- DSC01317
A village station 2003-03-29 The village Railway Station, yet to be named or decorated. 2003-03-29 - DSC01318
The village to be 2003-03-29 A lady waits in front of a cottage in what is to become the village. 2003-03-29 - DSC01319
Towards the industrial area 2003-03-29 Progress has occured in the industrial region with the addition of some storage tanks and a depot. 2003-03-29 - DSC01322
Tunnel ahoy! 2003-03-29 At the rear of the layout, a long passenger train headed by two Class A3s enters what will be a tunnel. 2003-03-29 - DSC01323
The cottage in the village 2003-03-29 That lady is still waiting... 2003-03-29 - DSC01325
Depot #1 2003-03-29 A view of the depot. 2003-03-29 - DSC01327
Depot #2 2003-03-29 A view of the depot. 2003-03-29 - DSC01328
Depot #3 2003-03-29 A view of the depot, with the rest of the coal yard (such as it is) in the background. 2003-03-29 - DSC01329
Depot #4 2003-03-29 A view of the depot, with the rest of the coal yard (such as it is) in the background. 2003-03-29 - DSC01330
The village to be 2003-03-29 Where am I? In the village. 2003-03-29