- DSC00623
XC-999 CCD in home-made primary focus mount The XC-999 is a high-performance CCD colour video camera shown here attached to the 10" Newt. with a home-made mount. - DSC00625
XC-999 CCD and the DIY mount The mount uses the 2" fitting for the Meade 10" Newt. and a 2" PVC "plug" normally used for plumbing applications. - DSC00626
XC-999 CCD and the DIY mount The plumbing fitting is a two-piece plug, one part of which fits snufly into the 2" lens fitting. - DSC00627
View of XC-999 CCD through the tube Image taken in front of the correcting lens of the 10" Newtonian with the CCD in place.