- library to foyer to dining room
The Foyer View from the library into the foyer and of the dining room beyond - moon-2-04
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - white-cedars-article-pg1
- moon-2-05
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-015
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-018
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - master bedroom
The master bedroom The master bedroom - moon-2-07
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - white-cedars-article-pg2
- moon-2-06
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-020
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-019
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-016
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-002
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - Bristol-garden-stitched
- sat1-014
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 127 2787 modified
- sat1-008
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - moon-2-03
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - above foyer
The foyer from above View of the foyer from at the top of the stairs - sat2-011
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - mov00049
Making The Christmas Tree (MPEG) Systems makes a Christmas Tree - sat1-017
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - moon-2-08
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-013
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-022
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-008
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-051
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - the front
The front Front of the house - sat1-003
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - moon-2-02
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - mov00049
- sat1-009
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-007
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-012
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-010
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - moon-1-0001
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-007
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - mov00047
Tom (MPEG) It's Tom - foyer stairs
The stairs View of the foyer from behind the front door showing the stairs, landing and through to the family room - CRW 9917 RJ
- sat2-013
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-015
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-006
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - moon-2-09
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - panorama rear
Panorama of rear Note that this image is stitched together from a collection of others - it will appear warped as a direct result of this - mov00036
Matts Arse (MPEG) A brief glimpse of Matts Arse Cleavage - CRW 9930 RJ
- 127 2712-tom-toni-megan-altered
- sat1-004
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-020
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-009
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 127 2721 modified
- 2006 3
Cape Point - moon-1-0030
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-040
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-019
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - dsc00062
Tinsel Volley Ball I Trig and Harbinger in a heated contest - white-cedars-advert
- CRW 9977 RJ
- sat1-021
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9931 RJ
- sat1-001
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - dsc00060
Mulled Wine II Careful where you pour that stuff - moon-1-0003
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-005
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - the rear
The rear Back of the house - sat2-006
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9979 RJ
- CRW 9978 RJ
- moon-1-0007
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - mov00035
Office Tour (MPEG) A brief tour of the office - CRW 9933 RJ
- CRW 9925 RJ
- CRW 9971 RJ
- dsc00059
Mulled Wine Chrisy making Mulled Wine - sat2-014
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9955 RJ
- CRW 9919 RJ
- dsc00054
Izzie! Spot the bow - family room balcony
The Balcony View of the landing from below in the family room - mov00044
Izzie and Harbinger (MPEG) A closeup of Izzies and Harbingers oral cavities - sat2-003
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 2032 29
Table Mountain - CRW 9970 RJ
- sat2-050
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9958 RJ
- 127 2707 modified
- sat1-011
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 00 145 4544 RT16 rotated
- sat2-026
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-004
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9929 RJ
- CRW 9941 RJ
- moon-1-0029
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-016
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - moon-2-10
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 2004 1
Lighthouse (at Cape Point) and Me - CRW 9976 RJ
- CRW 9972 RJ
- dsc00063
Tinsel Volley Ball II Trig makes a stunning save - dsc00064
Tinsel Volley Ball III Harbinger mounts an offensive - CRW 9928 RJ
- CRW 9879 RJ
- CRW 9934 RJ
- CRW 9918 RJ
- 1014 11
Atlantic Ocean, cool sunset - 2008 5
That lighthouse, as seen from Cape Point - CRW 9927 RJ
- sat2-002
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9956 RJ
- moon-2-11
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-023
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat1-012
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-021
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - moon-2-01
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-049
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-017
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 2005 2
The wall and the floor - 126 2691 tom-toni
- CRW 9954 RJ
- sat2-010
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9932 RJ
- 2007 4
The path to Cape Point (and Me) - 1013 10
Lee, Me, Nadia, Christiaan, Sharon - moon-1-0028
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - moon-1-0002
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 1029 26
Lee, Nadia, Me (+ beer) - moon-1-0027
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9924 RJ
- CRW 9953 RJ
- CRW 9950 RJ
- sat2-048
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - moon-1-0004
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - Jupiter-orientation
Jupiter and its satellites This image, taken from an astronomy program, shows the orientation of Jupiter and its satellites at the time of the photographed image shown. - moon-2-12
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-032
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - spy pond
Spy Pond panorama - CRW 9965 RJ
- CRW 9945 RJ
- CRW 9926 RJ
- CRW 7943
- sat2-028
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 1012 9
Me, Lee, Christiaan, Sharon (and some random person) - dsc00057
Matts! Iiiiiit's Matts - 2033 30
Going down! - 2035 32
At the airport, leaving - bright house
Rublee St. (wide pic) Two shots joined together - moon-2-13
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - Arlington
The route The yellow line is the path I travelled when collecting these pictures. - dsc00051
Tree2! No angel, but a bow - 2031 28
The side of Table Mountain - CRW 0033 RJ
- dsc00067
Tinsel Volley Ball IV Harbinger defies gravity - moon-2-14
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-027
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-035
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9947 RJ
- CRW 9887 RJ
- sat2-031
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9980 RJ
- sat2-022
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9916 RJ
- sat2-001
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9888 RJ
- CRW 9959 RJ
- CRW 9981 RJ
- dsc00037
M&M Star of the office, Mr. M&M - 2013 10
Another Zebra I think - sat2-033
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - dsc00055
Izzie! Spot the bow - 2009 6
The ultimate destination (Cape Point) - CRW 9975 RJ
- 1016 13
Vineyard, animal turns out to be dog - sat2-042
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9957 RJ
- sat2-005
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9986 RJ
- sat2-039
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-041
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 1011 8
Botanical Gardens, Me - 2030 27
A stroll along the top of Table Mountain - 2011 8
Tara and that lighthouse (gah the lighting sucks) - CRW 9915 RJ
- CRW 7972
- sat2-018
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 7969
- sat2-044
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - dsc00048
Tom New Not in the office, but close by - CRW 0034 RJ
- CRW 9948 RJ
- 126 2699 modified
- CRW 9912 RJ
- CRW 9987 RJ
- CRW 9973 RJ
- 2015 12
More Zebras - 1015 12
Vineyard, strange animal - CRW 7934
- 2034 31
Still going down - sat2-036
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 1010 7
Small pond in Botanical Gardens, Me - 1028 25
Groom does speech thing - 1039 36
More of them - 2036 33
Still leaving! - CRW 9983 RJ
- CRW 9923 RJ
- CRW 7973
- CRW 9974 RJ
- 144 4415 RJ
- CRW 7971
- sat2-034
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - dsc00050
Tree! The building of a Christmas Tree! - sat2-030
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9943 RJ
- 2014 11
Zebras everywhere! - CRW 9949 RJ
- 1027 24
More Groom and Bride - dsc00046
James Cronin Not in the office, but close by - CRW 9968 RJ
- CRW 9940 RJ
- 144 4462 RJ
- 144 4460 RJ
- CRW 9966 RJ
- CRW 0061 RJ
- CRW 9878 RJ
- CRW 9985 RJ
- CRW 9885 RJ
- 2010 7
Tara! - CRW 9992 RJ
- CRW 9988 RJ
- 1019 16
Me and Lee in the pool - CRW 7966
- CRW 9936 RJ
- sat2-029
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-043
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 2029 26
Cape Town, Beacon Hill, Robbens Island - CRW 9996 RJ
- 2016 13
Cape Town (from the south) - house pic
A similar house This is somebody elses house, and is similar to how ours will look, though the colours may be different. Possibly. - 144 4434 RJ
- 1017 14
Nadia and a very very cool swimming pool - CRW 0062 RJ
- CRW 9942 RJ
- CRW 9937 RJ
- sat2-047
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9944 RJ
- chad plot
The plot The plot of land before anything was built on it. Spot the house going up down the street. - moon-1-0016
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 7944
- sat2-045
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 144 4409 RJ
- CRW 0054 RJ
- 144 4461 RJ
- 144 4414 RJ
- 2012 9
A Zebra (if you look closely) - CRW 9938 RJ
- moon-1-0025
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9939 RJ
- 1026 23
Groom and Bride - CRW 9969 RJ
- CRW 9851 RJ
- CRW 9901 RJ
- 2017 14
The Aquarium The Cape Town Aquarium had a huge sea life tank. This is just part of it. - CRW 9994 RJ
- CRW 9982 RJ
- CRW 9890 RJ
- 144 4439 RJ
- 2018 15
The Aquarium and Tara (blurry) - moon-1-0011
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 144 4435 RJ
- moon-1-0006
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-046
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 0032 RJ
- CRW 9951 RJ
- 144 4470 RJ
- CRW 0063 RJ
- moon-1-0024
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9889 RJ
- CRW 9995 RJ
- CRW 9833 RJ
- 144 4417 RJ
- CRW 9910 RJ
- CRW 9898 RJ
- CRW 0065 RJ
- CRW 9991 RJ
- CRW 9946 RJ
- CRW 9849 RJ
- 144 4431 RJ
- CRW 0035 RJ
- CRW 9908 RJ
- CRW 9853 RJ
- merlin cushions
Merlin, who else? This image was taken with a Canon EOS 500N 35mm film camera and the resulting photograph scanned in with a Mikrotek 5700 scanner. - moon-1-0026
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-025
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 7945
- moon-1-0017
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 9935 RJ
- 1018 15
Me in said swimming pool - CRW 0064 RJ
- 144 4433 RJ
- 1024 21
Nadia, Lee, David, Me - 144 4471 RJ
- 1020 17
Probably me - 1033 30
Tara (where are the Penguins?) - CRW 7942
- sat2-024
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 1034 31
Penguins are there somewhere... - moon-1-0010
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - sat2-037
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 0055 RJ
- CRW 9891 RJ
- 1025 22
Groom and Bride and someone else - CRW 9884 RJ
- heli 1
- 144 4432 RJ
- CRW 0030 RJ
- CRW 7976
- moon-1-0014
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 144 4411 RJ
- CRW 7965
- 144 4438 RJ
- 1005 2
Lee, Nadia, Me, Cape Town - CRW 0060 RJ
- 144 4459 RJ
- 144 4440 RJ
- CRW 7955
- CRW 9876 RJ
- 144 4421 RJ
- CRW 0056 RJ
- CRW 9872 RJ
- 144 4422 RJ
- 144 4406 RJ
- CRW 9880 RJ
- dsc00056
T0rky_ More tinsel.. - CRW 9952 RJ
- CRW 0031 RJ
- 1040 37
Yup, Baboon - moon-1-0009
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 2037 34
Merlin! Back home! - CRW 0053 RJ
- CRW 0047 RJ
- CRW 7950
- 144 4430 RJ
- 144 4423 RJ
- 144 4441 RJ
- 144 4416 RJ
- 144 4408 RJ
- CRW 9883 RJ
- CRW 9989 RJ
- CRW 9967 RJ
- CRW 0058 RJ
- CRW 9964 RJ
- CRW 9903 RJ
- CRW 0027 RJ
- 144 4410 RJ
- cedarbrook7
- CRW 0052 RJ
- 144 4452 RJ
- 144 4405 RJ
- 1037 34
Tara and the Penguins (getting closer) - 144 4455 RJ
- CRW 9963 RJ
- moon-1-0015
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 0037 RJ
- 145 4513 RJ
- 144 4451 RJ
- 144 4418 RJ
- CRW 0049 RJ
- 144 4469 RJ
- CRW 9843 RJ
- 1004 1
Me and Cape Town - 1035 32
Penguins! - CRW 0048 RJ
- CRW 9913 RJ
- CRW 9875 RJ
- 1030 27
Penguins! - 144 4428 RJ
- 144 4413 RJ
- CRW 9867 RJ
- 144 4475 RJ
- 144 4407 RJ
- 144 4404 RJ
- moon-1-0023
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 144 4419 RJ
- CRW 0043 RJ
- 1032 29
Tara and the Penguins! - CRW 0009 RJ
- CRW 0007 RJ
- CRW 9921 RJ
- 145 4505 RJ
- 1036 33
Tara and the Penguins (real close) - CRW 7958
- moon-1-0021
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 0038 RJ
- 145 4504 RJ
- CRW 0002 RJ
- CRW 9990 RJ
- 144 4458 RJ
- 1009 6
Table Mountain, Botanical Gardens, Me - CRW 9993 RJ
- 144 4436 RJ
- 144 4412 RJ
- 1038 35
Baboon, I think - CRW 7962
- house illustration
House Illustration The developers illustration of the house. - CRW 9886 RJ
- 145 4514 RJ
- CRW 0059 RJ
- moon-1-0005
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - moon-1-0019
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 145 4511 RJ
- CRW 9892 RJ
- 144 4443 RJ
- 144 4420 RJ
- 144 4403 RJ
- 144 4401 RJ
- CRW 0017 RJ
- CRW 0006 RJ
- 144 4402 RJ
- CRW 7960
- CRW 9830 RJ
- CRW 9911 RJ
- 144 4479 RJ
- 144 4478 RJ
- 144 4457 RJ
- heli 2
- CRW 9997 RJ
- 144 4429 RJ
- 145 4508 RJ
- CRW 0029 RJ
- CRW 9831 RJ
- 144 4472 RJ
- 145 4506 RJ
- CRW 9850 RJ
- CRW 0057 RJ
- CRW 9869 RJ
- 144 4465 RJ
- 1021 18
MIB - 1022 19
The bride! (Sharon) - CRW 0051 RJ
- CRW 7959
- CRW 9882 RJ
- CRW 0039 RJ
- 145 4523 RJ
- 144 4454 RJ
- 144 4476 RJ
- CRW 0015 RJ
- 144 4489 RJ
- CRW 9960 RJ
- 144 4477 RJ
- CRW 0036 RJ
- CRW 9870 RJ
- moon-1-0018
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 144 4466 RJ
- 144 4442 RJ
- 1023 20
The bride and dad - sat2-038
Saturn Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 144 4474 RJ
- 144 4463 RJ
- 144 4437 RJ
- 144 4425 RJ
- 2019 16
Table Mountain and its tablecloth - 1031 28
More Penguins! - 144 4453 RJ
- CRW 9881 RJ
- 145 4512 RJ
- CRW 9834 RJ
- 144 4468 RJ
- CRW 9835 RJ
- 144 4424 RJ
- CRW 7948
- 144 4467 RJ
- 144 4427 RJ
- CRW 0008 RJ
- CRW 9866 RJ
- moon-1-0012
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 2025 22
Off towards Cape Point - 145 4510 RJ
- CRW 9907 RJ
- CRW 9838 RJ
- CRW 9984 RJ
- 144 4426 RJ
- CRW 9922 RJ
- CRW 9877 RJ
- CRW 7954
- CRW 0026 RJ
- CRW 0045 RJ
- moon-1-0008
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 145 4507 RJ
- 2024 21
Cape Town From the top of Table Mountain - 2026 23
Looking inland, the rest of Africa - CRW 0003 RJ
- 144 4448 RJ
- merlin-window
Merlin, looking through a window This image was taken with a Canon EOS 500N 35mm film camera and the resulting photograph scanned in with a Mikrotek 5700 scanner. - CRW 9852 RJ
- CRW 9899 RJ
- 100 0043 2
Merlin - CRW 9842 RJ
- CRW 9874 RJ
- CRW 0020 RJ
- 145 4503 RJ
- CRW 7979
- CRW 9873 RJ
- moon-1-0022
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - 145 4509 RJ
- CRW 0019 RJ
- 119 1976
- 144 4464 RJ
- moon-1-0013
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - CRW 0067 RJ
- CRW 9848 RJ
- CRW 9826 RJ
- 144 4450 RJ
- 2028 25
Tara! - CRW 0066 RJ
- 144 4483 RJ
- 2020 17
Table Mountain again - 144 4447 RJ
- moon-1-0020
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony XC-999, Prime focus - WholeMap
- 144 4449 RJ
- CRW 0016 RJ
- 145 4544 RJ norecomp
- 145 4515 RJ
- CRW 7961
- 144 4484 RJ
- CRW 9909 RJ
- CRW 0021 RJ
- 2027 24
Cape Town and Robbens Island - CRW 0042 RJ
- 145 4522 RJ
- CRW 0018 RJ
- 144 4500 RJ
- DSC00182
- 2021 18
...and again - CRW 9845 RJ
- CRW 9847 RJ
- 144 4456 RJ
- CRW 9961 RJ
- CRW 9962 RJ
- CRW 9868 RJ
- 145 4517 RJ
- 145 4524 RJ
- 144 4473 RJ
- 1006 3
Nadia, Lee, Me, The Atlantic Ocean - CRW 9865 RJ
- CRW 0050 RJ
- CRW 0011 RJ
- CRW 9840 RJ
- 145 4516 RJ
- ThePool
- CRW 0004 RJ
- CRW 9854 RJ
- 145 4501 RJ
- 2022 19
Tara and Table Mountain! - CRW 0040 RJ
- CRW 9828 RJ
- 145 4525 RJ
- CRW 9904 RJ
- 144 4444 RJ
- CRW 9861 RJ
- CRW 9829 RJ
- 144 4480 RJ
- CRW 9900 RJ
- 144 4495 RJ
- 144 4491 RJ
- CRW 9920 RJ
- 145 4526 RJ
- 1007 4
Table Mountain and Me - CRW 0023 RJ
- CRW 9827 RJ
- 144 4496 RJ
- 144 4486 RJ
- CRW 0069 RJ
- CRW 0073 RJ
- 143 4399
- 143 4400
- 1008 5
Table Mountain, Tara, Me - CRW 9858 RJ
- CRW 0076 RJ
- 145 4521 RJ
- CRW 0022 RJ
- CRW 0001 RJ
- 144 4490 RJ
- CRW 9998 RJ
- 144 4485 RJ
- cedarbrook1
- CRW 9806 RJ
- CRW 0077 RJ
- CRW 9862 RJ
- CRW 9809 RJ
- CRW 0010 RJ
- CRW 9860 RJ
- 144 4481 RJ
- CRW 0041 RJ
- CRW 9906 RJ
- 119 1975
- 145 4520 RJ
- CRW 0014 RJ
- 145 4519 RJ
- CRW 0024 RJ
- 144 4488 RJ
- kt ruth wed 0260
- cedarbrook5
- CRW 0070 RJ
- 145 4518 RJ
- CRW 7981
- CRW 0044 RJ
- CRW 9856 RJ
- 144 4497 RJ
- CRW 0005 RJ
- CRW 9821 RJ
- CRW 0071 RJ
- 144 4482 RJ
- 141 4168
- CRW 9825 RJ
- 145 4536 RJ
- 144 4499 RJ
- CRW 9822 RJ
- 144 4446 RJ
- 2023 20
The cable car to the top - CRW 9808 RJ
- CRW 0013 RJ
- cedarbrook2
- CRW 9857 RJ
- CRW 0046 RJ
- cedarbrook6
- 144 4487 RJ
- cedarbrook6-topo
- CRW 9814 RJ
- IMG 8794
- CRW 9846 RJ
- 119 1978
- 144 4493 RJ
- CRW 9999 RJ
- 144 4492 RJ
- CRW 9905 RJ
- 141 4187
- CRW 0012 RJ
- 141 4167
- 144 4445 RJ
- CRW 9824 RJ
- CRW 7412 RJ
- CRW 9805 RJ
- 141 4156
- 145 4538 RJ
- 144 4498 RJ
- CRW 0025 RJ
- 141 4186
- 119 1974
- 145 4502 RJ
- 141 4166
- CRW 0068 RJ
- CRW 9820 RJ
- IMG 8793
- CRW 0072 RJ
- CRW 7415 RJ
- 145 4537 RJ
- CRW 0088 RJ
- CRW 9841 RJ
- CRW 0074 RJ
- 145 4535 RJ
- 145 4542 RJ
- 119 1977
- 144 4494 RJ
- 145 4527 RJ
- CRW 9813 RJ
- 145 4539 RJ
- CRW 9823 RJ
- 145 4543 RJ
- 141 4137
- CRW 0084 RJ
- IMG 8788
- CRW 9810 RJ
- CRW 0079 RJ
- IMG 8795
- 145 4540 RJ
- CRW 0089 RJ
- IMG 8786
- IMG 8797
- CRW 0078 RJ
- 141 4157
- IMG 8792
- 145 4541 RJ
- 119 1973
- CRW 7414 RJ
- CRW 9811 RJ
- IMG 8783
- 109 0907
- IMG 9803
- CRW 7980
- IMG 8787
- Death From Helicopter
- CRW 0083 RJ
- 120 2041
- kt ruth wed 0261
- kt ruth wed 0255
- 141 4169
- CRW 0075 RJ
- 119 1971
- CRW 0082 RJ
- IMG 8731
- CRW 7413 RJ
- 120 2042
- 120 2026
- kt ruth wed 0290
- 141 4190
- Moon039
- CRW 0092 RJ
- 120 2043
- 141 4184
- 119 1981
- 141 4165
- 141 4155
- IMG 8778
- IMG 8747
- kt ruth wed 0213
- 141 4136
- 141 4183
- CRW 9804 RJ
- IMG 8779
- 109 0908
- IMG 0128
- 119 1979
- IMG 8769
- IMG 8753
- 141 4177
- 119 1972
- 120 2037
- cedarbrook3
- 141 4175
- 108 0899
- 141 4152
- CRW 9818 RJ
- 120 2040
- kt ruth wed 0259
- IMG 8789
- IMG 8729
- CRW 9812 RJ
- IMG 8743
- DSC01304
- 109 0906
- IMG 8803
- IMG 8800
- 141 4196
- kt ruth wed 0210
- 145 4534 RJ
- 120 2027
- kt ruth wed 0180
- CRW 0086 RJ
- IMG 8791
- kt ruth wed 0289
- CRW 9815 RJ
- 145 4529 RJ
- 141 4185
- IMG 8774
- 141 4174
- 141 4138
- IMG 8790
- 141 4120
- kt ruth wed 0211
- IMG 8784
- IMG 8748
- 145 4528 RJ
- 141 4189
- 141 4126
- cedarbrook4
- kt ruth wed 0212
- IMG 8782
- 141 4125
- 120 2028
- IMG 9545
- 141 4188
- 141 4123
- kt ruth wed 0183
- IMG 8796
- 141 4172
- IMG 8781
- IMG 8776
- 141 4178
- 140 4074
- kt ruth wed 0257
- IMG 0141
- kt ruth wed 0293
- kt ruth wed 0181
- 108 0900
- CRW 0081 RJ
- IMG 8785
- IMG 8740
- 141 4176
- 140 4075
- IMG 8742
- 141 4180
- 141 4181
- 109 0926
- 120 2038
- 108 0898
- IMG 0101
- IMG 8754
- IMG 8739
- CRW 9819 RJ
- IMG 8730
- IMG 0102
- IMG 8727
- 120 2029
- IMG 8772
- 141 4163
- 141 4122
- 119 1980
- kt ruth wed 0288
- 141 4124
- 108 0897
- IMG 9546
- kt ruth wed 0258
- IMG 8741
- DSC01305
- IMG 9791
- IMG 8749
- IMG 8744
- 140 4087
- 140 4057
- 120 2064
- kt ruth wed 0251
- 141 4179
- 141 4164
- 141 4119
- 108 0896
- kt ruth wed 0287
- IMG 8746
- CRW 0085 RJ
- IMG 9548
- 141 4197
- 140 4055
- IMG 8755
- IMG 8734
- 141 4135
- 120 2044
- IMG 8728
- 141 4121
- 140 4090
- kt ruth wed 0294
- IMG 8750
- 120 2075
- 109 0903
- 141 4140
- kt ruth wed 0182
- kt ruth wed 0235
- 108 0889
- 141 4191
- Moon028
- 141 4158
- 140 4056
- IMG 8780
- IMG 8770
- IMG 8801
- 141 4170
- IMG 0158
- 141 4173
- IMG 0142
- IMG 8775
- kt ruth wed 0291
- IMG 8732
- 141 4171
- kt ruth wed 0252
- 108 0868
- kt ruth wed 0284
- kt ruth wed 0253
- IMG 8745
- 145 4533 RJ
- IMG 8799
- 145 4530 RJ
- 141 4195
- 141 4182
- 141 4162
- 140 4073
- kt ruth wed 0216
- 145 4531 RJ
- 120 2025
- 121 2157
- kt ruth wed 0256
- 142 4224
- 141 4194
- kt ruth wed 0262
- kt ruth wed 0254
- Moon040
- 143 4359
- IMG 8751
- 141 4104
- IMG 8689
- IMG 0143
- kt ruth wed 0292
- 109 0911
- IMG 8798
- IMG 8738
- 141 4193
- kt ruth wed 0283
- Moon029
- 109 0912
- 140 4077
- 141 4127
- 141 4159
- CRW 0087 RJ
- IMG 6856
Tokina 19-35mm An exceptionally rainy day. Picture taken from inside the car! - 109 0901
- 108 0890
- IMG 8752
- kt ruth wed 0286
- kt ruth wed 0228
- IMG 8735
- 145 4532 RJ
- 140 4072
- IMG 0103
- 121 2156
- 108 0869
- IMG 8768
- kt ruth wed 0188
- 143 4362
- 140 4076
- 143 4366
- 133 3354
- kt ruth wed 0241
- CRW 0091 RJ
- IMG 8771
- 141 4153
- IMG 0094
- IMG 8726
- 103 0329
Neighbouring development The trees seen between the houses in the centre is about where our new house will be. - 140 4089
- 120 2079
- kt ruth wed 0179
- 109 0936
- IMG 8773
- 119 1970
- kt ruth wed 0234
- IMG 9798
- IMG 8737
- 141 4192
- DSC01307
- 120 2047
- IMG 0106
- 120 2072
- 120 2023
- kt ruth wed 0282
- kt ruth wed 0215
- DSC01306
- 143 4365
- 141 4105
- 120 2036
- kt ruth wed 0214
- 140 4086
- IMG 8687
- IMG 0100
- IMG 8690
- 141 4154
- 120 2068
- IMG 0140
- IMG 0125
- 143 4363
- kt ruth wed 0239
- kt ruth wed 0189
- IMG 0108
- 141 4146
- IMG 8736
- kt ruth wed 0285
- 141 4161
- 141 4160
- 143 4343
- 119 1983
- 109 0902
- IMG 0129
- IMG 8756
- 151 5129
- 140 4085
- kt ruth wed 0209
- kt ruth wed 0178
- IMG 8777
- 120 2046
- kt ruth wed 0184
- IMG 0126
- 141 4139
- 121 2153
- IMG 8110
- 142 4282
- 112 1232
- IMG 9801
- 109 0930
- IMG 8692
- 143 4360
- 141 4151
- 141 4128
- IMG 9793
- IMG 6320
- 120 2078
- 151 5130
- 141 4113
- 119 1998
- kt ruth wed 0124
- 120 2057