- 154 5430
- b0020
Bird in a tree [2/2] ...it's in there somewhere - 129 2961
- 100 0026
Glenn inside a truck - 100 0018
Blueberry tree - 129 2905
- 125 2556
- IMG 0577
- 142 4230
- 129 2970
- IMG 0716
- DSC00479
- DSC00133
- IMG 0717
- 125 2587
- DSC00519
- IMG 0573
- IMG 7820
- 154 5438
- 125 2554
- IMG 7345
- 133 3339
I fired it up... So, I took it outside, just to fire up the engine. Nobody else around to take pictures, so this is after the event. They definately make good lawn mowers - notice all the grass and grass stains. I'm so far away from flying this thing (still practising on the simulator) but I thought it would be good to give the engine and mechanics some exercise before it does fly. These things are not quiet! - IMG 2190
- IMG 2191
- IMG 0396
- IMG 7322
- 154 5431
- DSC00331
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony DSC-P1, Meade Plossl 26mm - IMG 1820
- 154 5427
- b0028
Merlin [2/4] - 132 3278
Engine, other side - 106 0678
- DSC00475
- IMG 0631
- IMG 0188
- IMG 0186
- IMG 8573
- IMG 8193
- IMG 2192
- 134 3463
Rear rotor servo Moved the servo from the front of the chassis to the tail boom to shorten the control rod - less chance of flexing - 105 0508
- 100 0028
Glenn in workshop [2/2] - DSC00570
- dsc00058
Tinsel Even more Tinsel... - IMG 4495
- DSC01939
- IMG 2648
- IMG 7330
- 154 5434
- 133 3340
Outdoors [1/4] - 119 1969
- 900 0022
Tara ...I'm outta here. - IMG 0643
- 129 2904
- IMG 0579
- IMG 8195
- IMG 7351
- 129 2945
- 123 2322
- DSC00157
- IMG 4443
- 106 0639
- IMG 0584
- 129 2948
- DSC00433
- DSC00134
- IMG 0581
- IMG 8174
- IMG 8161
- 129 2947
- IMG 4502
- IMG 8912
- 154 5437
- 105 0547
- IMG 8157
- 125 2544
- IMG 1826
- 129 2935
- 106 0687
- IMG 0715
- IMG 0410
- 125 2588
- IMG 1822
- IMG 0168
- 154 5433
- IMG 4506
- IMG 0629
- IMG 0170
- 129 2962
- b0027
Merlin [1/4] - DSC00152
A stationary decoder This is an example of the decoder used to control the points/turnouts. I wrote the switch address of each port on the connector for diagnostics sake. - 126 2613
- 100 0025
Glenns truck [3/3] - 100 0014
More house - IMG 2779
- IMG 0633
- IMG 0191
- IMG 8176
- 129 2969
- IMG 0167
- DSC00454
- dsc00042
Izzie!!! Izzie!!! - DSC00159
- IMG 2193
- IMG 8571
- 100 0013
...in the middle of our street - DSC00327
The Moon Meade 10" Newtonian, Sony DSC-P1, Meade Plossl 26mm - IMG 0719
- 132 3274
Side view - DSC00484
- IMG 0395
- 105 0562
- 142 4257
- DSC00468
- IMG 8187
- IMG 8188
- IMG 8192
- 100 0012
Our house... - 154 5405
- 100 0038
Tara! - IMG 0755
- 110 1075
- 106 0681
- DSC00605
- IMG 7906
- IMG 0187
- 115 1508
- IMG 8921
- 129 2903
- DSC00481
- IMG 8167
- 142 4249
- P0000007
- IMG 7821
- 142 4236
- 129 2946
- IMG 0766
- 125 2547
- IMG 0494
- 125 2553
- IMG 0490
- IMG 0355
- 142 4244
- 142 4241
- 132 3276
The engine OS 32 helicopter engine. Here it is with the Raptor cooling fan attached, basically a centrifugal fan. - 104 0447
- IMG 0486
- IMG 0662
- IMG 0040
- IMG 7363
- IMG 0391
- 125 2570
- 106 0680
- 106 0663
- DSC00512
- IMG 1825
- IMG 0809
- IMG 0639
- 125 2586 2
- DSC00567
- DSC00488
- IMG 4499
- IMG 0489
- IMG 0209
- 129 2998
- DSC01248
- dsc00034
- IMG 4534
- DSC00132
- dsc00036
- IMG 7361
- dsc00038
- IMG 0754
- 123 2336
- DSC00513
- IMG 4511
- IMG 7355
- 134 3418
- IMG 0663
- 154 5429
- 125 2567
- DSC00500
- IMG 7894
- 154 5472
- 129 2966
- 105 0509
- 154 5466
- 106 0667
- 106 0657
- dsc00035
- IMG 0637
- DSC00119
- IMG 0406
- 133 3336
Busy busy There's a lot going on with this machine. - 110 1072
- 105 0546
- DSC00516
- DSC00487
- 154 5473
- 105 0566
- IMG 0572
- 129 2967
- IMG 0586
- IMG 0641
- IMG 7924
- IMG 7923
- 106 0668
- 150 5072
- P0000072
- 134 3419
- 129 2949
- 106 0650
- P0000004
- DSC00103
Defects Picture taken of Appt. in Arlington prior to moving in - IMG 8159
- IMG 7868
- 129 2938
- 154 5445
- P0000014
- IMG 0612
- 137 3751
Camera mount Allows me to bolt a camera, or other things, to the side of the Helicopter - 126 2642
- 106 0665
- P0000040
- dsc00037
- IMG 7334
- IMG 7285
- 154 5420
- 106 0662
- dsc00041
Chrisy Chrisy with Harbingers camera - IMG 4520
- IMG 0492
- IMG 7365
- IMG 0392
- 154 5443
- IMG 0578
- IMG 9553
- IMG 7352
- IMG 0039
- DSC00102
Defects Picture taken of Appt. in Arlington prior to moving in - IMG 8186
- IMG 7360
- 122 2295
- 107 0739
- IMG 0211
- 125 2543
- 154 5470
- DSC00510
- b0018
A bird Might be a goose - DSC00141
The Hogwarts Express 2002-02-18 The 4-6-0 "Hogwarts Express" loco. - IMG 7277
- 154 5471
- 125 2540
- 106 0653
- dsc00024
- IMG 7379
- 129 2982
- DSC00511
- IMG 8155
- 105 0545
- b0023
Air Canada [1/3] - IMG 0485
- IMG 8170
- P0000003
- IMG 8184
- IMG 7797
- 129 2960
- IMG 7364
- 133 3325
- 125 2545
- P0000046
- 126 2610
- IMG 0627
- IMG 1823
- 129 2958
- IMG 0535
- IMG 8561
- IMG 7273
- IMG 7789
- 154 5446
- DSC00520
- IMG 8162
- 154 5419
- b0024
Air Canada [2/3] - 123 2323
- IMG 4437
- 133 3330
So far... - 106 0675
- IMG 7332
- 133 3338
The radio I decided to start small. A 6-channel JR transmitter. It came with the servos and a 7-channel receiver. - 129 2951
- 115 1506
- P0000048
- P0000041
- DSC00503
- IMG 0610
- P0000027
- IMG 8166
- 110 1071
- 107 0706
- P0000074
- IMG 8194
- 126 2611
- 106 0638
- 900 0020
Tara ...enough already. - 125 2586
- P0000071
- IMG 0583
- 142 4225
- 106 0682
- 106 0669
- b0025
Air Canada [3/3] - IMG 0493
- IMG 8178
- 104 0420
- IMG 8168
- IMG 8163
- 154 5435
- 154 5421
- 125 2546
- 100 0027
Glenn in workshop [1/2] - 125 2539
- DSC00502
- DSC00474
- 154 5465
- 125 2558
- DSC01330
The village to be 2003-03-29 Where am I? In the village. 2003-03-29 - P0000009
- 133 3337
Wires/servos Much cabling. Notice how I had to trim some of the servo "horns" - they interfered with the ball-link attachments. - IMG 7891
- IMG 7373
- IMG 0488
- 125 2563
- 123 2324
- 110 1064
- IMG 4496
- IMG 0718
- IMG 0345
- IMG 0184
- 125 2569
- kt ruth wed 0075
- P0000042
- IMG 7804
- 125 2552
- 123 2326
- kt ruth wed 0076
- b0010
Pansies [1/2] - DSC00135
- 142 4240
- IMG 0796
- IMG 7278
- IMG 0208
- 154 5459
- 106 0651
- IMG 8572
- IMG 8164
- 100 1538
- 123 2332
- 104 0423
- IMG 1821
- IMG 7362
- DSC00501
- Meade LDX55 10inch Schidt-Newtonian
Meade LDX55 10" telescope The Meade LDX55 10" Schmidt-Newtonian reflecting telescope, setup in my living room (to make sure all the bits are there!) - DSC01904
- IMG 8177
- 129 2957
- 107 0703
- DSC00559
- IMG 9390
Frogs on the license plate - IMG 7331
- 125 2557
- IMG 0207
- kt ruth wed 0021
- IMG 9555
- 125 2560
- DSC00130
- IMG 0487
- IMG 8156
- 107 0708
- 106 0659
- 900 0024
Random shot - IMG 4441
- 125 2542
- IMG 8181
- 106 0637
- 154 5467
- IMG 0613
- 140 4033 crop
- 154 5469
- IMG 1824
- 129 2955
- 110 1070
- 105 0548
- P0000036
- IMG 0383
- IMG 0164
- 129 2950
- P0000025
- IMG 7293
- 154 5418
- 110 1063
- DSC00470
- IMG 0173
- IMG 9554
- IMG 8169
- P0000076
- IMG 4445
- IMG 0210
- IMG 0174
- DSC00486
- IMG 7286
- 129 2940
- DSC01216
- IMG 7269
- IMG 8165
- IMG 7367
- 132 3275
The swash plate This little device is freaky. In a nutshell, the pitch of the blades varies through their rotation, according to the motions of the aileron/elevator servos (called cyclic on a helicopter) and the collective pitch. It's all a bit mad and I onyl slightly understand it so far. - 129 2980
- 129 2909
- IMG 0756
- IMG 0632
- IMG 0591
- 115 1507
- DSC00561
- DSC01906
- IMG 8158
- IMG 0044
- 154 5441
- IMG 0031
- 129 2907
- 125 2572
- 110 1062
- IMG 8182
- 142 4229
- IMG 8160
- IMG 7366
- 125 2595
- IMG 0713
- IMG 0404
- 133 3335
The electronics arrived All the servos are on, the receiver is mounted and hooked up. - 133 3331
The body/canopy This will be it's ultimate shape. - 106 0673
- 105 0540
- P0000034
- DSC00140
The Flying Scotsman 2002-02-18 The 4-6-2 Class A1 "Flying Scotsman" loco. - IMG 7282
- 126 2693
- 123 2335
- IMG 7922
- 129 2975
- 129 2912
- 105 0544
- IMG 7291
- 129 2959
- 126 2612
- 125 2588 2
- 125 2537
- 105 0510
- DSC01210
- IMG 0029
- 106 0670
- IMG 7279
- IMG 7268
- 105 0505
- IMG 2194
- IMG 8568
- IMG 7267
- DSC00131
- dsc00033
- IMG 0032
- 110 1073
- 107 0741
- 133 3329
Rotor hub It's really busy up here - I can't imagine this thing spinning as fast as it will need to. - 106 0686
- 142 4248
- 140 4031
- 100 0041
Merlin - 126 2682
- 125 2559
- P0000077
- 142 4260
- 126 2641
- 125 2597
- 110 1066
- 110 1065
- IMG 7276
- 107 0742
- 104 0422
- DSC00508
- IMG 0532
- IMG 0212
- 154 5464
- 140 4033
- 110 1067
- IMG 0611
- 142 4231
- 100 1539
- kt ruth wed 0022
- 105 0539
- IMG 0206
- 104 0476
- IMG 0530
- IMG 7243
- 134 3420
- P0000024
- P0000008
- IMG 8562
- IMG 7798
- IMG 0007
Taken with the 300D - DSC00097
Merlin - DSC01211
- P0000038
- IMG 0193
- IMG 7387
- DSC00447
Caught in the act - IMG 0213
- DSC00522
- IMG 0034
- dsc sp5 0001
Canon EOS 10D - 142 4267
- 140 4007
- 125 2512
- 104 0448
- P0000049
- IMG 7374
- IMG 7372
- IMG 7281
- 142 4270
- IMG 0587
- 134 3464
Rear rotor servo cabling - 125 2568
- 129 2934
- 123 2337
- DSC00560
- 126 2615
- 125 2571
- 106 0676
- IMG 0194
- 129 2979
- 106 0658
- IMG 0199
- IMG 0005
Taken with the 300D - 125 2538
- 106 0633
- IMG 0350
- 107 0705
- IMG 8570
- IMG 7275
- kt ruth wed 0052
- 110 1068
- DSC00093
Merlin - IMG 0711
- IMG 7399
- 142 4272
- 123 2333
- 123 2331
- IMG 4438
- IMG 8196
- 105 0538
- DSC00499
- IMG 7287
- 154 5403
- 142 4265
- b0008
Heart-somethingorothers [4/4] - P0000044
- IMG 0536
- IMG 8154
- IMG 7375
- 110 1069
- IMG 7395
- IMG 7394
- 122 2293
- IMG 7284
- DSC01327
Depot #2 2003-03-29 A view of the depot. 2003-03-29 - P0000037
- IMG 0028
- 134 3421
- 126 2614
- 125 2566
- IMG 7280
- 133 3328
The exhaust It's shiny now. I'm sure that will change. The silicone pipe runninf from it is a fuel tank pressurisation aid. There's no fuel pump - a certain amount of exhaust gas is used to push the fuel into the carb of the engine. Quite neat, really. - 129 2983
- 128 2849
- IMG 0538
- IMG 8179
- IMG 7401
- IMG 0043
- 154 5442
- 125 2584 2
- IMG 0714
- 126 2639
- P0000026
- IMG 8563
- 123 2325
- IMG 0764
- IMG 0753
- IMG 9557
- 154 5444
- 126 2640
- 104 0429
- P0000010
- IMG 0749
- IMG 0498
- IMG 0403
- IMG 0192
- 125 2541
- IMG 0765
- 129 2944
- 123 2334
- IMG 0732 crop
- IMG 7290
- 130 3009
- 002
- IMG 7274
- DSC01889
- IMG 8180
- 154 5462
- 122 2230
- DSC00525
- IMG 0491
- IMG 9563
- 122 2294
- IMG 7397
- IMG 7242
- 100 1511
- 125 2584
- IMG 7380
- P0000039
- DSC00523
- IMG 0799
- IMG 0382
- IMG 8835
- IMG 8564
- 154 5406
- 129 2939
- 132 3267
- IMG 0729
- IMG 0534
- 142 4259
- 129 2908
- 107 0743
- DSC00505
- IMG 0386
- IMG 0384
- IMG 7292
- 129 2943
- 129 2911
- IMG 4439
- IMG 0728
- IMG 0588
- IMG 0571
- 154 5457
- 154 5416
- 133 3308
- 126 2626
- 110 1076
- IMG 7270
- P0000031
- IMG 7383
- DSC01245
- IMG 0762
- IMG 0630
- 154 5458
- 129 2928
- 106 0660
- P0000023
- DSC01905
- 142 4243
- 129 2906
- 126 2609
- 123 2327
- 107 0740
- IMG 0767
- IMG 0362
- IMG 0218
- 147 4757
- 127 2735
- IMG 0497
- 133 3327
It's looking a bit big Note we have an exhaust (muffler) now also. - 100 1512
- 125 2596
- 125 2573
- 154 5453
- IMG 7376
- 125 2562
- 110 1078
- IMG 0381
- IMG 0379
- 105 0567
- DSC00485
- IMG 0746
- 100 0040
Merlin - P0000053
- IMG 0378
- IMG 7381
- 154 5407
- 133 3316
- kt ruth wed 0077
- IMG 0409
- IMG 0351
- IMG 7288
- 147 4775
- 129 2993
- 126 2643
- 104 0444
- DSC00598
- 125 2590
- 125 2589
- 125 2520
- 106 0671
- 147 4776
- 125 2548
- 125 2536
- 001
- 129 2956
- kt ruth wed 0074
- IMG 0792
- IMG 7370
- IMG 7402
- kt ruth wed 0016
- DSC01902
- 126 2638
- 126 2628
- 125 2564
- IMG 7266
- kt ruth wed 0050
- 105 0543
- IMG 0665
- IMG 0541
- IMG 8567
- kt ruth wed 0014
- 107 0709
- 105 0542
- IMG 7385
- 129 2995
- 129 2913
- 129 2910
- 129 2977
- 126 2680
- IMG 8837
- 129 2952
- kt ruth wed 0063
- 107 0745
- IMG 0539
- 125 2511
- 104 0475
- 125 2583
- 110 1081
- 107 0744
- 107 0704
- DSC00524
- 154 5417
- 105 0541
- P0000070
- IMG 8493
- IMG 7384
- IMG 7368
- 125 2581
- DSC00095
Merlin - IMG 0215
- IMG 8836
- 154 5440
- IMG 7396
- 140 4022
- 133 3341
Outdoors [2/4] - 113 1360
- 105 0535
- IMG 0197
- 126 2681
- kt ruth wed 0023
- DSC00528
- IMG 0045
- 154 5463
- 142 4264
- IMG 0344
- IMG 0182
- 125 2594
- IMG 0757
- 106 0694
- 106 0693
- DSC01888
- IMG 8840
- 129 2981
- 129 2933
- 100 1514
- DSC00526
- 125 2582
- 122 2296
- IMG 0747
- P0000067
- IMG 8846
- IMG 8494
- 129 2996
- 129 2992
- 107 0716
- IMG 0795
- IMG 0377
- 129 2994
- 126 2608
- DSC00623
XC-999 CCD in home-made primary focus mount The XC-999 is a high-performance CCD colour video camera shown here attached to the 10" Newt. with a home-made mount. - DSC00595
- 127 2736
- 123 2310
- 110 1077
- 107 0715
- IMG 0763
- IMG 7398
- IMG 7386
- IMG 0033
- IMG 0025
- 129 2922
- 104 0446
- 133 3322
- 110 1079
- IMG 7393
- 107 0738
- 107 0707
- IMG 8660
- IMG 8581
- P0000057
- 154 5408
- 147 4790
- 106 0634
- DSC01209
- cDSC01183
The layout at 2003-01-25 What the layout looked like on 2003-01-25. - DSC00632
The Moon on my laptop 2002-11-23 This was a live image of the Moon, at the time. - 153 5318
Lockeland Ave. - 132 3266
- 100 1540
- 125 2575
- 123 2330
- DSC00521
- IMG 0495
- IMG 0166
- IMG 7371
- 154 5456
- 100 1513
- P0000047
- IMG 7403
- IMG 6447
Unpacking - IMG 8574
- 154 5402
- 126 2694
- P0000079
- dsc00030
- 125 2523
- IMG 7382
- 154 5460
- IMG 0619
- 154 5415
- 125 2589 2
- DSC00449
Who, me? - IMG 0201
- 142 4266
- 125 2598
- IMG 0598
- IMG 0376
- 150 5071
- 129 2941
- 127 2737
- 106 0636
- IMG 0365
- IMG 8578
- kt ruth wed 0067
- 105 0536
- 104 0477
- DSC00635
Laptop and stuff 2002-11-23 Again, notice the image of the Moon. - 003
- IMG 8005
- 126 2625
- 125 2549
- 107 0737
- IMG 0590
- IMG 7241
- 129 2976
- 129 2923
- 106 0672
- DSC01219
- IMG 0518
- IMG 8559
- IMG 7392
- IMG 7289
- IMG 0009
Taken with the 300D - 105 0504
- 106 0698
- P0000078
- IMG 0401
- 154 5455
- DSC01938
- IMG 0751
- 140 4021
- 100 1510
- P0000018
- DSC01899
- DSC01861
- 130 3022
- 107 0702
- DSC01243
- IMG 0592
- IMG 0026
- 100 1536
- IMG 0614
- 100 1537
- 125 2510
- DSC01328
Depot #3 2003-03-29 A view of the depot, with the rest of the coal yard (such as it is) in the background. 2003-03-29 - P0000052
- IMG 7378
- 142 4242
- 129 2954
- P0000043
- IMG 0663
- IMG 8839
- IMG 7265
- 140 4005
- DSC00631
The Meade 10" and my laptop 2002-11-23 Notice the image of the Moon on the laptop screen and the XC-999 in the focuser.. - P0000055
- 154 5452
- 142 4239
- 129 2914
- 128 2894
- DSC00565
- 126 2677
- 125 2579
- 125 2561
- kt ruth wed 0051
- 110 1074
- DSC00563
- IMG 8833
- IMG 8485
- IMG 7391
- 125 2513
- DSC00527
- IMG 9556
- 147 4758
- IMG 7253
- 147 4759
- 129 2997
- 105 0537
- DSC01217
- IMG 0794
- IMG 7400
- 133 3326
Progress! With the main rotor blades on, it's starting to look like a helicopter now. - 126 2644
- kt ruth wed 0066
- IMG 0620
- IMG 0519
- 133 3368
- 130 3008
- DSC00162
- IMG 0180
- IMG 8006
- 133 3315
- 126 2674
- IMG 0348
- 004
- IMG 7271
- 153 5325
- 153 5317
Broadway - 126 2698
- 126 2627
- 106 0695
- b0007
Heart-somethingorothers [3/4] - DSC00625
XC-999 CCD and the DIY mount The mount uses the 2" fitting for the Meade 10" Newt. and a 2" PVC "plug" normally used for plumbing applications. - 105 0512
- 130 3010
- IMG 8153
- 100 1534
- 126 2675
- DSC00599
- DSC00506
- P0000022
- 105 0554
- P0000069
- IMG 0745
- 122 2292
- DSC01206
- DSC00629
The meade 10" and gubbins 2002-11-23 The cables and stuff - it was a cold 0°C that night. - IMG 0761
- 125 2550
- kt ruth wed 0017
- DSC00597
- IMG 0798
- 123 2311
- IMG 0750
- IMG 0617
- IMG 7255
- 153 5315
Rawson/Exeter - DSC00094
Tara - IMG 0790
- IMG 7264
- 100 0039
More Tara! - IMG 7388
- 134 3462
In flying shape - DSC01207
- IMG 0385
- IMG 0342
- IMG 6451
Unpacking - 126 2676