Go to the previous, next section.

The Kernel

The kernel is the core of the system, it implements the most basic parts of the system. This includes the memory management, task handling and module loading functions.

Unless otherwise stated, all the functions and variables documented in this chapter are members of the kernel module. This module is defined in the header file `<vmm/kernel.h>', the variable kernel always contains a pointer to this module (see section The Kernel Module).


A module is a shared library, they are stored in files on disk and loaded into the kernel address space as required. Modules in memory which are actually unused can be unloaded, freeing the memory they occupy for other uses.

Each module exports a well-defined set of functions and variables which may then be referenced (used) by modules which have previously obtained a handle on the module in question. This handle is a C structure containing a struct module as its first member, followed by function pointers and data items which can be referenced by other modules.

Using Modules

Before being able to reference the functions exported by a module the caller must obtain a pointer to the module's structure. This is called opening the module, the open_module function is used to do this. After an opened module has been finished with it must be closed using the close_module function, this is required so that a module can always tell how many "live" references to it exist (and consequently if it can expunge itself from memory).

Each module has a version number defining the number of revisions it has undergone. This allows future expansion to modules without sacrificing backwards compatibility. When a module is opened the oldest acceptable version of that module should be specified. The module returned is guaranteed to be totally compatible with the specified version of the module, even if the module's current version is not the same. All the standard modules supplied with the system use the preprocessor constant SYS_VER to define their current version number. If this constant is used as the version number to open_module the system header files are guaranteed to be compatible with the opened module.

Most modules are stored on disk, when one is opened it is loaded into the system by the kernel. Modules stored like this have a special file structure (see section Module Files) and are stored in the `/lib' directory of the filing system.

kernel Function: struct module * open_module (const char *name, u_short version)

This function attempts to obtain a handle on the module called name. The version number of the module must be at least version. If no such module is already loaded it tries to load it from disk. If it can find the module it calls its open function and returns the result: either a pointer to the module's structure or a null pointer.

kernel Function: void close_module (struct module *mod)

This function releases the handle to the previously opened module, mod.

Note that the result of open_module will need to be cast to the type of the module being opened and then when it is closed the parameter to the close_module will need to be cast to struct module *. For example to open and then close the filing system module something like the following would be necessary:

#include <vmm/kernel.h>
#include <vmm/fs.h>

struct fs_module *fs;


    /* The result of this function is of type
       `struct module *'. It actually points to the
       first member of the filing system module and
       therefore may be cast to that type. */
    fs = (struct fs_module *)kernel->open_module("fs", SYS_VER);
    if(fs != NULL)
        /* Use the filing system */

        /* close_module() needs an argument of
           type `struct module *' so cast it back. */
        kernel->close_module((struct module *)fs);

Once a pointer to the module's structure has been obtained it is possible to reference the functions and data objects exported by the module. These are all fields of the module's structure and therefore should be reference with the C -> operator. For example:

#include <vmm/fs.h>

/* A pre-initialised pointer to the filing system
   module. */
extern struct fs_module *fs;


    struct file *fh;
    /* Use the `open' function in the filing system
       module to open a file. */
    fh = fs->open("foo", F_READ);
    if(fh != NULL)
        /* Use the file `fh' */

        /* Now close the file with the `close'
           function. */

kernel Function: bool expunge_module (const char *name)

Attempts to ensure that the module called name is not resident in memory. If it's not, or it has now been unloaded, the value TRUE is returned, otherwise FALSE if it is still resident.

The Module Structure

The struct module is the base type which each module derives its own module structure from, it looks like:

struct module {
    struct module *next;

    /* The name of this module. */
    const char *name;

    /* The version of this module. */
    u_short version;

    /* The reference-count of this module. */
    short open_count;

    /* The location and extent of the module. */
    char *mod_start;
    size_t mod_size;

    /* Called when the module is loaded. */
    bool (*init)(void);

    /* Called each time the module is opened. */
    struct module *(*open)(void);

    /* Called when the module is closed. */
    void (*close)(struct module *mod);

    /* Called when the module might be unloaded. */
    bool (*expunge)(void);

    /* TRUE if the module is statically linked. */
    bool is_static;

The following function descriptions document the behaviour expected of the functions in this structure.

module Function: bool init (void)

This function (if it's not a null pointer) is called when the module is loaded. If the module is able to successfully initialise itself it should return TRUE, otherwise FALSE.

module Function: struct module * open (void)

This function is called each time the module is opened. Normally the action of this function is simply to increment the open_count field of its module structure and return a pointer to the same structure. In fact if the open function is a null pointer this is what is done by default.

If for some reason the module does not want to allow itself to be opened it should return a null pointer.

module Function: void close (struct module *mod)

This function is called each time the module is closed, mod is a pointer to the module's module structure. Usually the module simply decrements its open_count and returns; this is what happens if the function is defined as a null pointer.

module Function: bool expunge (void)

This function is called when someone attempts to expunge the module from memory. If references to the module are still outstanding the function should always return FALSE, signifying that the module may not be expunged.

If the module may be expunged it should deallocate any resources it has allocated and return TRUE. If the function is defined as a null pointer the module will never be expunged.

The macro MODULE_INIT is used to define an instance of the module structure in C source files.

Macro: MODULE_INIT (name, version, init, open, close, expunge)

This macro expands to an instance of a struct module with each parameter being used to initialise the field in the structure of the same name.

For example:

MODULE_INIT ("foo", 1, foo_init, NULL, NULL, foo_expunge) ==>
  { NULL, "foo", 1, 0, NULL, 0,
    foo_init, NULL, NULL, foo_expunge }

Creating Modules

It is fairly straightforward to define and create a new module. The C source code for each module is stored in a separate directory and each module defines its own module structure in a header file, for example:

struct foo_module {
    struct module base;
    int (*an_exported_function) (int bar);
    int an_exported_variable;

Then in one of its source code files, an instance of this structure with the same name as the structure is defined, for example:

struct foo_module foo_module = {
    MODULE_INIT("foo", foo_init, NULL, NULL, foo_expunge),

In the same place each module must define an uninitialised pointer to the kernel module called kernel (see section The Kernel Module), this looks like:

struct kernel_module *kernel;

This pointer will be automatically initialised when the module is loaded. Modules statically linked with the kernel will share one instance of this pointer (see section Statically Linked Modules).

All functions exported by a module must be reentrant. Since the system is totally preemptable functions must be written with great care, especially when global variables are being accessed. Often, the use of forbid and permit statements can make writing reentrant functions a lot easier.

The file of make definitions `Makedefs' in the top-level directory of the source tree contains rules to build a `.module' file from a collection of object files. This makes linking modules very easy: in a Makefile simply have a rule making the module file depend on the object files to build it from. For example, the shell uses the following text as its `Makefile':

SRCS = shell.c command.c cmds.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)

all : shell.module

include $(TOPDIR)/Makedefs


shell.module : $(OBJS)

clean :
	rm -f *~ *.[od] shell.module core *.map

include $(SRCS:.c=.d)

Module Files

Modules that are stored in files in the filing system use a special file structure to allow the module loader to be as efficient as possible. Basically, each module file consists of a header, a chunk of initialised code and data, and a list of relocations to perform on this chunk to allow it to work at the address that it has been loaded at. The header is defined by the following structure:

struct mod_hdr {
    /* A magic number so the loader can
       check if this *is* a module file. */
    u_short magic;

    /* The revision number of the module's
       file structure. */
    u_char revision;

    u_char reserved1;

    /* The length of the section of initialised
       code and data located at the end of this
       header. */
    u_long init_size;

    /* The length of the uninitialised data
       section (set to zeros when the module is
       loaded). */
    u_long bss_size;

    /* The length of the relocation data stored
       after the initialised data. */
    u_long reloc_size;

    /* Pads the structure to be 48 bytes long
       for easy future expansion. */
    u_char reserved2[32];

As well as this header structure each module has another header at the beginning of its initialised code and data. When the module is loaded this header is used to initialise the module.

struct mod_code_hdr {
    /* A pointer to the module's module
       structure. */
    struct module *mod_ptr;

    /* A pointer to this module's pointer to the
       kernel module. It will be initialised after
       the module has been loaded. */
    struct kernel_module **kernel_ptr;

    /* Points to the end of this module's initialised
       code and data section. Used when the module is
       linked statically with the kernel to form a
       linked list of all static modules. */
    struct mod_code_hdr *next_mod;

Note that all of these structure are created by the build procedure for modules defined in the `Makedefs' file (see section Creating Modules), the programmer doesn't have to worry about them at all.

Statically Linked Modules

It is often useful to be able to link modules with the kernel at compile time, instead of dynamically loading them from disk as they are required. In fact, it's essential since the filing system and disk drivers are modules -- how could they be loaded from disk? The module system has been designed specifically with this in mind to overcome the problem.

The standard rule to build a module file also leaves an a.out object file in the build directory along with the module file. This object file (called `foo.module.o' for a module file `foo.module') can be linked with the kernel by simply adding its name (relative to the top of the source tree) in the file `STATIC' in the top-level source directory.

To eliminate the possibility of symbol-name clashes between statically linked modules, the a.out versions of module files have all symbols but for their kernel variable and their module structure stripped from the object file with a special tool.

When the kernel initialises itself it traverses through the list of statically linked modules calling each one's initialisation function in order.

The result of all this is that modules do not need to be tailored to being dynamically or statically linked: the two methods of loading the module are both totally compatible with one another. It should be noted however that the order of entries in the `STATIC' file is significant: if a module in the list attempts to open a module further down the list in its initialisation function it will fail (since the module to be opened is still uninitialised).

The Kernel Module

The functions that the kernel exports can be accessed through the `kernel' module. This is not a normal module -- it is not stored in a standard module file. Instead, when the kernel initialises itself it creates a module structure for itself.

Every other module is given a pointer to the kernel module in its variable called kernel when it is loaded. It is not possible for modules to open the kernel module themselves since they need to be able to call the open_module function, which is stored in the kernel module.


Interrupts are caused by external devices; when the processor receives an IRQ (Interrupt Request) from the interrupt controller it transfers control to a special piece of code -- an interrupt handler. Interrupt handlers come in two flavours: immediate and queued, immediate interrupt handlers are called as soon as the IRQ is received, asynchronously to the context, this imposes stringent restrictions on what an interrupt handler of this type may do. Queued interrupt handlers do not have these restrictions but incur more of an overhead.

Disabling Interrupts

Since interrupts are by their nature asynchronous to the normal flow of control, problems will arise if an interrupt occurs while a sensitive operation is in progress. For example, imagine if a kernel function and an interrupt handler both modify a kernel data structure, say a linked list, and the interrupt handler is called while the kernel function is in the middle of modifying the list structure. In this case the interrupt handler may be able to access the list while it is in an inconsistent state, possibly causing huge problems.

For this reason the kernel allows the disabling of interrupts; it is up to the piece of code disabling them to enabled them again as soon as possible to keep IRQ handling delays as small as possible.

All the macros documented in this section are defined in the header file `<vmm/io.h>'.

Macro: cli ()

This macro expands to a statement that clears the processor's interrupt-enable flag (using the CLI instruction) to disable all external interrupts.

Macro: sti ()

This macro expands to a statement that sets the processor's interrupt-enable flag (using the STI instruction) to enable external interrupts.

The way to protect a piece of code from an interrupt occurring in the middle of it (i.e. to make it "atomic") is to bracket it with cli and sti macros. For example:

struct list_item *head;
struct list_item *item;

/* Disable interrupts, while modifying the
   linked list. */

/* Push `item' onto the top of the
   list `head'. */
item->next = head;
head = item;

/* Now we can enable them again. */

It is often useful to save the current status of the interrupt-enable flag so that it can be reset to its original state after being disabled. This is necessary in functions that may be called from interrupt handlers or the normal kernel context that wish to disable interrupts (since interrupt handlers are called with interrupts disabled).

Macro: save_flags (flags-var)

This macro expands to a statement that saves the current value of the EFLAGS register to the 32-bit integer variable named by the parameter flags-var.

Macro: load_flags (flags-var)

This macro expands to a statement that loads the EFLAGS register from the value stored in the 32-bit integer variable named by the parameter flags-var.

If the example code fragment above could be called with interrupts either disabled (i.e. from an interrupt handler) or enabled, it could be rewritten as:

/* Temporary storage of the EFLAGS
   register. */
u_long flags;

struct list_item *head;
struct list_item *item;

/* First save the old value of the
   interrupt-enable flag. */

/* Disable interrupts, while modifying the
   linked list. */

/* Push `item' onto the top of the
   list `head'. */
item->next = head;
head = item;

/* Now reload EFLAGS with its old value. */

Note that this idea of disabling interrupts while performing delicate operations can sometimes be replaced by only disabling task preemption (with forbid) if the data structure being modified can't be accessed by interrupt handlers, only by other tasks. See section Task Preemption.

Interrupt Handlers

The kernel allows C functions to be installed as IRQ handler functions. Special assembly-language stub functions are installed by the kernel as the physical interrupt handlers, they handle all the messy business of communicating with the interrupt controllers and call the C function installed on the IRQ that occurred. They also send the interrupt-acknowledge code to the correct controller(s) when necessary. This allows interrupt handlers to be implemented and installed very easily.

kernel Function: bool alloc_irq (u_int irq, void *handler, char *name)

This function installs the C handler function at location handler to handle all interrupt requests of type irq. The string name should describe the device causing this interrupt request; it is used by the sysinfo shell command.

If the IRQ irq is available for use the value TRUE is returned, otherwise (a function is already handling the IRQ) FALSE is returned.

All interrupts are disabled while an interrupt handler is executing, the sti instruction can enable them but this may have disastrous consequences (in some cases nested interrupts may occur).

kernel Function: void dealloc_irq (u_int irq)

Remove the function handling the interrupt request irq, this handler will previously have been installed by the alloc_irq function.

Interrupt handlers are very restricted in the actions they may perform (because functions which may be called from interrupt handlers must protect any access to shared data structures if they may also be called from the general kernel context). Unless a function explicitly states that it may be called by interrupt handlers in its documentation it may not be called by an interrupt handler.

A consequence of this is that interrupt handlers are unable to change the task currently executing (since schedule may not be called by interrupt handlers), this means that interrupt handlers are totally non-preemptable. If possible (without losing too much performance) try to use queued interrupt handlers, they suffer none of these problems.

Queued Interrupt Handlers

Queued interrupt handlers provide a method of removing the massive restrictions placed on normal (immediate) interrupt handlers, at the cost of a possible increase in the delay between the processor receiving the IRQ and the handler being dispatched.

Instead of being called asynchronously to the normal kernel flow of control a queued interrupt handler is called in the context of a special task called the interrupt dispatcher task (see section Task Handling). This task, which runs at a very high priority, spends all its time waiting for queued interrupts to be received. When one does it is placed in a FIFO by an immediate interrupt handler and the irq dispatcher task is made runnable. As soon as the irq dispatcher is scheduled it takes the queued interrupt at the head of the FIFO and calls its handler.

kernel Function: bool alloc_queued_irq (u_int irq, void (*func)(void), char *name)

This function is similar to alloc_irq except that the IRQ handler function func is installed as a queued interrupt handler of irq number irq. The name parameter is a string used when printing the IRQs currently in use.

If the function succeeds the value TRUE is returned, otherwise if for some reason the IRQ can't be reserved FALSE is returned.

kernel Function: void dealloc_queued_irq (u_int irq)

This function removes the queued interrupt handler previously installed on IRQ number irq by the alloc_queued_irq function.

Exception Handling

An exception is similar to an interrupt in that it causes control to switch to a special function, the difference is that exceptions are always precipitated by the processor, not an external device. The 80386 defines 15 different types of exception that may occur, they are usually raised when the processor detects an error in the instruction that it is currently executing.

For most of the types of exception the only possible action is to halt the task which caused the exception, the dump_regs function is used to do this.

kernel Function: void dump_regs (struct trap_regs *regs bool halt)

This function prints a register listing of the stack frame regs to the console, if the CS:EIP is in a module loaded from disk the name of the module and the offset into it is also printed to help in finding the error. If the `debug' module is currently in memory its ncode function is used to disassemble the code surrounding the faulting instruction.

If the halt parameter is TRUE the current task is halted, if the exception occurred inside an interrupt handler the only way to do this is by halting the entire system. Otherwise the current task is simply frozen. If halt is not TRUE the function returns normally.

The following table describes what the kernel does as it receives each of these 15 different types of exception.

Divide error
Caused by an integer division by zero. If the exceptions[0] field of the current task is non-null this function is called, otherwise dump_regs is called to halt the task.

Debug exceptions
Caused by one of the processor's debugging aids. If the exceptions[1] field of the current task is non-null this function is called, otherwise if one of the breakpoints set by the set_debug_reg kernel function is activated a message to this effect is printed to the console and the task continues.

Caused by the INT 3 instruction. If the exceptions[3] field of the current task is non-null this function is called. Otherwise dump_regs is called to halt the task.

Caused by the INTO instruction. If the exceptions[4] field of the current task is non-null this function is called. Otherwise dump_regs is called to halt the task.

Bounds check
Caused by the BOUND instruction. If the exceptions[4] field of the current task is non-null this function is called. Otherwise dump_regs is called to halt the task.

Invalid opcode
Caused by any illegal instruction. If the exceptions[5] field of the current task is non-null this function is called. Otherwise dump_regs is called to halt the task.

Coprocessor not available
Caused by the ESC and WAIT instructions. If the exceptions[5] field of the current task is non-null this function is called. Otherwise dump_regs is called to halt the task.

Double fault
Caused when some types of exception occur in some types of exception handler. The dump_regs function is used to halt the current task.

Coprocessor segment overrun
The task is halted by dump_regs.

Invalid TSS
The task is halted by dump_regs.

Segment not present
The task is halted by dump_regs.

Stack exception
The task is halted by dump_regs.

General protection fault
If the gpe_handler field of the current task is non-null this function is called to correct the fault, otherwise the task is halted by dump_regs.

Page fault
The page fault handler of the memory management subsystem is called, see section The Page Fault Handler.

Coprocessor error
The task is halted by dump_regs.

When a function is called by an exception handler it always gets passed a struct trap_regs * or a struct vm86_regs * parameter. This defines the register frame of the task when the exception occurred (see the header file `<vmm/traps.h>'), modifying the values of the fields in this structure also modifies the contents of the task's registers when it resumes execution. This allows exception handlers to emulate instructions which fault, advance the EIP register to the next instruction and then return execution to the task. This is how the `vm' module does most of its virtualisation.

Memory Management

This section of the manual documents the way that the kernel manages memory throughout the system; including how it uses the processor's memory management hardware to construct the memory model which we designed for the system.

The header files `<vmm/map.h>' and `<vmm/page.h>' contain the definitions used by by the memory management subsystem of the kernel.

Types Of Addresses

The 80386 processor uses three main types of memory addresses, physical, linear and logical addresses.

Logical addresses are the addresses used in microprocessor instructions to access memory locations. For example the C fragment below accesses the contents of the integer stored at logical address 200.

int foo;
foo = *((int *)200);

Logical addresses are translated into linear addresses by the processor's segmentation hardware. Every memory access refers (implicitly or explicitly) to a memory segment. To obtain the logical address's linear address the base address of the segment (a linear address) is added to the logical address. For example a logical address x in the kernel segment (beginning at linear address 0xf8000000) has the linear address 0xf800000 + x.

Once a linear address has been obtained the physical address of the piece of memory it references is computed by the paging hardware of the processor. Each task is given a set of page tables which maps the linear addresses that it accesses into physical addresses.

To sum up, the 80386 has a three stage memory addressing system: a logical address referenced by an instruction is translated into a linear address by segmentation, then this is in turn translated into a physical address by paging.

System Memory Map

There are an almost infinite number of ways in which an operating system can setup the processor's memory management hardware, each different way providing a different type of memory model for the system. The two main issues involved are segmentation and paging. Segmentation defines the mapping between logical and linear addresses, segments are normally used to separate (and protect) the different types of memory that are in the system. Paging is concerned with mapping linear addresses to the actual memory in the system (physical addresses). The header file `<vmm/map.h>' defines the macros and structures talked about in this section.

For our system we decided to use two main segments, a user segment and a kernel segment (in fact each of these is actually two segments -- a code segment and a data segment, both with the same base and limit). The kernel segment is where all kernel code and data is stored; it is only accessible to the most highly privileged tasks. The user segment is used to store user code and data (i.e. virtual machines). The following diagram attempts to show how the two segments are defined in the four gigabyte address space of the 80386:

       4G +-----------------------+
          |  Kernel space         |
4G - 128M +-----------------------+
          |                       |
          |                       |
          ~                       ~
          |                       |
          |                       |
          |  User space           |
          |                       |
        0 +-----------------------+

As you can see the kernel segment is 128M long ending at the top of the processor's address space (so it starts at 0xf8000000). All the rest of the address space is available for user programs.

Two macros are provided to covert between linear addresses and address in the kernel segment.

Macro: TO_LINEAR (x)

This macro expands to the linear address of the logical address in the kernel segment x. Basically it just adds the base of the kernel segment to x. The resulting value will be of type u_long.

Macro: TO_KERNEL (x)

This macro expands to the logical address in the kernel segment of the linear address x (which must be an integer type). This simply subtracts the base of the kernel segment from x. If x is actually in the user segment unexpected things may happen!

These segments provide a framework upon can be hung the memory model of our system. Each task is given its own set of page tables to allow it to have its own user segment. The page tables mapping the kernel segment are shared by all tasks, meaning that the kernel logical address space is constant throughout the system. The actual layout of logical addresses in the kernel segment is as follows:

     128M +-----------------------+
          |                       |
          ~                       ~
          |                       |
          +- - - - - - - - - - - -+
          | Mapping of all        |
          | physical memory in    |
          | the system.           |
       8M +-----------------------+
          |                       |
          ~                       ~
          |                       |
          | Dynamic kernel        |
          | code and data.        |
          +- - - - - - - - - - - -+
          | Static kernel         |
          | code and data.        |
       4K +-----------------------+
          | Null page.            |
        0 +-----------------------+

Dotted lines denote boundaries which aren't fixed: they are set by the initialisation process.

Working from the bottom of the diagram upwards, the Null page is used to catch all null pointer dereferences made by the kernel; the first page in the kernel segment is simply left unmapped.

After the Null page the next part of the kernel segment is used to contain the statically linked kernel, loaded by the system loader at startup. The space between the top of the static kernel and the eight megabyte mark is used for dynamic memory allocation by the kernel: as more kernel memory is required the kernel_sbrk function simply pushes up the top of the kernel and allocates new memory pages to map into the newly-reserved space.

Directly above the eight megabyte mark is a mapping of all the physical memory in the system. This allows the kernel to access any piece of physical memory in the system simply by offsetting into this region. It is necessary to do this since the physical address of a piece of memory is not the same as its logical address, to try to avoid any confusion throughout the kernel physical addresses are defined as being of type u_long instead of a pointer to prevent physical addresses being accessed.

Two macros have been defined to convert between the physical address of a piece of memory and its logical address in the map of physical memory.

Macro: TO_LOGICAL (x, t)

This macro converts the physical address x of a piece of memory to a logical address of type t which may be used in the kernel segment to access the piece of memory (i.e. a pointer into the map of physical memory).

For example to access the integer stored at physical address 200, the following code fragment could be used:

int foo;
foo = *TO_LOGICAL(200, int *);

Macro: TO_PHYSICAL (x)

This macro converts the logical address x pointing into the map of physical memory to the actual physical address (of type u_long) of the piece of memory.

Segment Functions

As described in the previous section the system uses two segments: a kernel segment and a user segment. The kernel often needs to address objects stored in the user segment of the current task, the way to do this is by using the processor's segment prefix opcode to explicitly specify the segment used by an instruction. When running in kernel mode the system ensures that the FS segment register always contains a selector for the user segment, the following inline functions use it to operate on the current task's user segment.

Function: inline void put_user_byte (u_char val, u_char *ptr)

Store the byte val at address ptr in the user segment.

Function: inline void put_user_short (u_short val, u_short *ptr)

Store the 2-byte value val at address ptr in the user segment.

Function: inline void put_user_long (u_long val, u_long *ptr)

Store the 4-byte value val at address ptr in the user segment.

Function: inline u_char get_user_byte (u_char *ptr)

Return the byte stored at address ptr in the user segment.

Function: inline u_short get_user_short (u_short *ptr)

Return the 2-byte value stored at address ptr in the user segment.

Function: inline u_long get_user_long (u_long *ptr)

Return the 4-byte value stored at address ptr in the user segment.

Function: inline void * memcpy_from_user (void *to, void *from, size_t length)

Copies length number of bytes from the address from in the user segment to the address to in the kernel segment. Note that to and from may not overlap. Returns the to pointer.

Function: inline void * memcpy_to_user (void *to, void *from, size_t length)

Copies length number of bytes from the address from in the kernel segment to the address to in the user segment. Note that to and from may not overlap. Returns the to pointer.

Function: inline void * memcpy_user (void *to, void *from, size_t length)

Copies length number of bytes from the address from in the user segment to the address to in the user segment. Note that to and from may not overlap. Returns the to pointer.

Function: inline void * memset_user (void *ptr, u_char val, size_t count)

Sets count bytes starting at the address ptr in the user segment to the value val. Returns the value ptr.

Function: inline void * memsetw_user (void *ptr, u_short val, size_t count)

Sets count words starting at the address ptr in the user segment to the value val. Returns the value ptr.

Function: inline void * memsetl_user (void *ptr, u_long val, size_t count)

Sets count double words starting at the address ptr in the user segment to the value val. Returns the value ptr.

Page Allocation

The page is the basic unit of physical memory used by the system. Each page is four kilobytes in size, used in conjunction with page tables (see section Page Tables) they provide the pieces of physical memory related to a certain linear address.

The lowest level unit of memory allocation in the system is the page; the kernel maintains a list of all the unused pages, as a new page is required one is removed from this list. When manipulating pages the kernel normally uses the page type to represent them, note that a page * type is actually a pointer into the map of physical memory.

typedef union _page {
    union _page *next_free;
    char mem[PAGE_SIZE];
} page;

kernel Function: page * alloc_page (void)

This function allocates an unused page and returns a pointer to it, or a null pointer if no more free pages are available. This function may be called by interrupt handlers.

Note that the pointer returned, if non-null, is a logical address pointing into the system's map of physical memory.

kernel Function: void free_page (page *page)

Frees the page at logical address page. This function may be called from an IRQ handler or the normal kernel context.

kernel Function: page * alloc_pages_64 (u_long n)

This function attempts to allocate a contiguous block of n pages starting on a 64K boundary. It also ensures that the area allocated is below the 16M boundary. If it's not already obvious, this function is designed for allocating DMA buffers with. This function may be called from interrupt handlers.

If it is able to allocate a block its logical address is returned, otherwise it returns a null pointer.

kernel Function: void free_pages (page *first, u_long n)

Deallocates n pages starting with the page at logical address first. This function may be called by interrupt handlers.

Function: void add_pages (u_long start, u_long end)

This function (local to the kernel module) is used to add a contiguous region of physical memory, between start and end, to the list of free pages. This function is used by the kernel's initialisation procedure to add all the available pages to the free list.

Page Tables

The 80386 uses a two-stage page table structure. The CR3 register contains the physical address of the page directory currently being used, this is a page of memory divided into 32 bit page directory entries. Each page directory entry contains the physical address of the page table used to map that portion of the address space, this is also a page divided into 32 bit entries, this time called page table entries. Each page table entry contains the physical address of the page of memory mapped into that address in the address space. So each page table maps four megabytes of the address space (since (1024 entries * 4096 bytes) equals 4M).

The structure of page directory entries and page table entries (often simply called pte's) is the same. It looks like:

    31              12  11    8               0
   | Page Address     |                   U R  |
   |                  | Avail 0 0 D A 0 0 / / P|
   |     31..12       |                   S W  |

The individual fields are used in the following way:

Page Address
The highest twenty bits of the physical address of the page being pointed to by this entry.

Three bits available for use by the operating system. Our system currently only uses one -- bit nine is set if the page pointed to by this entry may be freed when the page table or directory is no longer being used.

The "dirty" bit, set by the memory management hardware when the page is modified.

The "accessed" bit, set when the page is referenced.

Defines whether the page may be accessed by user-level code. If set, it may.

Defines whether user-level code may write to the page, if set it may.

The "present" bit. When set the page mapped by this entry is able to be accessed, otherwise a not-present page fault is caused.

The kernel module exports the following functions to manipulate page directories and tables.

kernel Function: void map_page (page_dir *pd, page *page, u_long addr, int flags)

This function maps the page at logical address page (in the map of physical memory) to linear address addr in the page directory at logical address pd (in the map of physical memory). If a page is already mapped at the address and it is freeable it will be deallocated. The pte bits flags are bitwise-OR'ed with the physical address of page to construct the page table entry for the linear address.

kernel Function: void set_pte (page_dir *pd, u_long addr, u_long pte)

This function sets the page table entry of the linear address addr in the page directory at logical address pd to the value pte. Note that the existing entry is simply overwritten; a page mapped by it will not be freed.

kernel Function: u_long get_pte (page_dir *pd, u_long addr)

Returns the page table entry corresponding to the linear address addr in the page directory pd. If no page table exists for this address the value zero will be returned (i.e. not present).

kernel Function: u_long read_page_mapping (page_dir *pd, u_long addr)

Returns the physical address of the page mapped to linear address addr in the page directory pd. Returns zero if the page is unmapped.

kernel Function: u_long lin_to_phys (page_dir *pd, u_long lin_addr)

Returns the physical address of the byte at linear address lin_addr in the page directory pd. Returns zero if that page is not present (unmapped).

kernel Function: void put_pd_val (page_dir *pd, int size,u_long val, u_long lin_addr)

This function writes either a byte, short, or long value val depending on size (either 1, 2 or 4) to the piece of memory at linear address lin_addr in the page directory pd.

kernel Function: u_long get_pd_val (page_dir *pd, int size, u_long lin_addr)

Returns either the byte, short or long (depending on size, either 1, 2 or 4) from the linear address lin_addr in the page directory pd.

kernel Function: bool check_area (page_dir *pd, u_long start, size_t extent)

If the linear addresses from start to start+extent are all present (i.e. a page is mapped to that address) return TRUE. If any of the page frames in this range are unmapped return FALSE.

Function: page_dir * make_task_page_dir (void)

This function (local to the kernel module) creates and returns a new page directory for a task. Basically this is just a mapping of the kernel's page tables into the kernel segment; everything else is simply left unmapped. This function is used by the add_task function when it allocates a new task structure. See section Task Handling.

Note that since the kernel's page tables are preallocated and mapped into the page directory of every task the kernel's page layout is shared between all tasks.

The Page Fault Handler

The page fault handler is called each time a page fault exception occurs. Page faults are caused by either a page-level protection violation (i.e. a user task accessing kernel pages) or by an access of a page marked as being not-present. Each task is allowed to install its own secondary page fault handler, this is called by the page fault handler in certain circumstances.

When the page fault is caused by a protection violation the current task is usually frozen with its register values printed to the console. If the task has installed a secondary page fault handler and the task was executing at user-level this handler will be called, if it returns the value TRUE the task is allowed to continue executing (the handler assumes that the problem has been fixed), otherwise it is frozen as normal.

Page faults causes by a not-present page don't usually result in the task being frozen, this only happens if the task is executing at kernel level and the address being accessed is invalid for some reason. Otherwise the handler attempts to make the page present and let the task continue executing. If the task has installed a secondary page fault handler it is called; it should correct the problem itself. Otherwise the top level handler allocates a new page and maps it into the hole being accessed.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

The kernel needs a method dynamically allocating and deallocating areas of memory (logical addresses) of various sizes. For example the module loader needs to allocate a chunk of the kernel address for the module being loaded. To simplify matters the kernel uses a Unix style method of allocating memory: a break address is maintained, it points to the top of the kernel's logical address space. As more memory is needed the break address is advanced and new pages mapped into the area.

Function: void * kernel_sbrk (long delta)

This function (local to the kernel module) is used to control the kernel's break address. It is altered by the signed value delta before the original value is returned. A negative parameter has the effect of lowering the break address (i.e. deallocating the memory at the top of the kernel).

Since this function is compatible with the standard Unix sbrk function we are able to use a standard Unix malloc package with a minimum of changes. Currently we are using a version of GNU malloc which has been optimised for speed. The only changes required to it were to change sbrk to kernel_sbrk and to bracket parts of it with forbid and permit statements since it was not designed to be reentrant (see section Task Preemption).

kernel Function: void * malloc (size_t size)

Allocate an uninitialised area of kernel memory size bytes long and return a pointer to it, or a null pointer if the area could not be allocated.

kernel Function: void * calloc (size_t nelem, size_t size)

Allocate an area of kernel memory, filled with zeros, which contains nelem elements, each element of size size bytes. Returns a pointer to the area of memory allocated, or a null pointer if the allocation failed.

kernel Function: void free (void *ptr)

Deallocates the area of kernel memory pointed to by ptr. The area must have been allocated by either malloc, calloc, realloc or valloc.

kernel Function: void * realloc (void *ptr, size_t size)

Resize the given area to the new size, returning a pointer to the (possibly moved) area, or a null pointer if the function failed.

Task Handling

A task is a thread of control in the system; the system supports totally preemptive multi-tasking. Tasks are used throughout the system and can be used as the base of a more complex thread, for example the virtual machine monitor uses tasks to provide the basic context for each virtual machine.

The header file `<vmm/tasks.h>' contains all the task-related definitions.

The Task Structure

Each task is represented by an instance of the struct task data type. It contains all the information needed by the kernel about the particular task.

struct task {
    /* Used by the scheduler to link the task
       into the lists of running and suspended
       tasks. */
    list_node_t node;

    /* Called on exit from interrupt and exception
       handlers if non-null. */
    void (*return_hook)(struct trap_regs *regs);

    /* The Task State Segment of this task. */
    struct tss tss;

    /* A selector for the tss. */
    u_int16 tss_sel, _pad1;

    /* The process ID of this task and its
       parent task. */
    u_long pid, ppid;

    /* The task's page directory. */
    page_dir *page_dir;

    /* It's level 0 stack. */
    page *stack0;

    /* It's level 3 stack. */
    page *stack;

    /* Bit mask of flags, see below. */
    u_long flags;

    /* The task's priority, 0 is normal. */
    short pri, _pad2;

    /* In 1024Hz ticks, the amount of CPU time
       used by this task, the time at which it was
       last scheduled and its quantum. */
    u_long cpu_time, last_sched, quantum;

    /* In 1024Hz ticks, the amount of time left
       before this task should be preempted. */
    long time_left;

    /* Context switches to this task. */
    u_long sched_count;

    /* When +ve, task is non-preemptable */
    int forbid_count;

    /* The name of this task. */
    const char *name;

    /* The task's current directory and errno
       value. */
    struct file *current_dir;
    int errno;

    /* Exception handlers for this task. */
    void (*exceptions[8])(struct trap_regs *regs);
    void (*gpe_handler)(struct trap_regs *regs);
    bool (*pfl_handler)(struct trap_regs *regs,
                        u_long lin_addr);

    /* Available for use by the `owner' of the task.
       In virtual machines this always points to the
       task's virtual machine structure. */
    void *user_data;

The flags field is a bit mask made up of the following possible values.

This task is runnable (i.e. not suspended).

The task is suspended and may not be restarted.

The task has been deleted but it's resources haven't yet been reclaimed.

The task can not be deleted.

The task is being used to provide a virtual machine.

kernel Variable: struct task * current_task

This field of the kernel module always points to the task structure of the currently running task.

Task Creation and Deletion

kernel Function: struct task * add_task (void *func, u_long flags, short pri, const char *name)

This function creates a new task and returns a pointer to its task structure or a null pointer if an error occurred.

The func parameter is the address of the instruction (in the kernel) which the task should begin executing at. flags is the bit-mask made up from suitable TASK_ values (see the previous section). The parameter pri defines the priority of the task (for the scheduler), zero is average, negative values for low-priority tasks, positive values for high priority tasks. The string name is stored in the task's name field, no copy is made.

If the TASK_RUNNING bit of flags is not set the task will be created suspended; this is often very useful (for example virtual machines are tasks created in a suspended state, then the values in their tss are set to enable V86 mode).

Each task is given two 4096 byte stacks, one for tss.esp0 and the other for tss.esp. The stack of the current privilege level (tss.esp) has the address of the function kill_current_task pushed onto it. This makes tasks kill themselves when their outermost function exits.

All tasks are given their own page directory (with the kernel's shared page tables installed) to give each task their own version of the user segment.

The task's current directory is inherited from the current task.

kernel Function: int kill_task (struct task *task)

This function deletes the task represented by the task structure task, if it can not be killed (perhaps its TASK_IMMORTAL bit is set) the value -1 is returned, otherwise the function returns the value zero.

The task structure and its associated resources will be deallocated as soon as possible (if the task being killed is the current task, the task is turned into a zombie and the scheduler reclaims its resources).

kernel Function: void kill_current_task (void)

Delete the task currently executing, tasks are always allowed to commit suicide so their TASK_IMMORTAL is cleared. This function should never return.

The Scheduler

The scheduler selects which of the tasks that are ready to run is given the processor. Each task has a quantum, the number of 1024Hz ticks that it is allowed to run for before the scheduler is called to select the next task. The runnable tasks are stored in a list called the run-queue, it is sorted by order of task priority: when the scheduler needs a task to run it simply pops the first task in the queue and schedules it for its quantum.

Unlike some in schedulers, the priority levels given to each task are fixed, this means that high level tasks can lock out lower level tasks simply by remaining runnable. This is actually a good thing since it lets interactive tasks run at a high priority while background tasks or those that are normally CPU-bound (virtual machines) run at a lower priority. When a task becomes runnable that is of a higher priority than the currently executing task the current task is preempted, allowing the high priority task to execute immediately. This ensures that the system seems reactive to the user.

The CMOS 1024Hz timer is used to decrement the time-left of the current task each tick. When this value becomes zero the task has had its quantum of CPU time and the flag need_resched is set. This flag is checked by the interrupt handler's return procedure, if it is set and it's safe to call the scheduler the scheduler is called to select the next task.

kernel Function: void schedule (void)

The scheduler. It takes the task at the front of the run-queue and switches to its context.

The actions performed by the scheduler are as follows:

  1. Check for any zombie tasks (killed but not reclaimed), reclaim any such tasks. A task is only made into a zombie when it tries to kill itself (since it's impossible for a task to free all of its own resources).

  2. Check the forbid_count of the task, if it's greater than zero the task is non-preemptable and the scheduler exits immediately.

  3. Reset the value of the need_resched variable.

  4. If the current task is still runnable enqueue it in the run-queue (at the end of its priority level).

  5. Take the task at the head of the run queue.

  6. If its time_left field isn't greater than zero set it to the task's quantum.

  7. If the task isn't the current task: if it's a zombie add it to the scheduler's list of these, increment its sched_count field, update the last_sched field, set the current_task variable and switch to the new task with a JMP TSS instruction.

Note that the scheduler should never be called by an interrupt handler.

kernel Function: void suspend_task (struct task *task)

If the task task is running, set it's state to suspended and put it into the list of suspended tasks. This function may be called from interrupts. Note that even if task is the current task this function doesn't call the scheduler itself, so it will return immediately (unless the task gets preempted).

kernel Function: void suspend_current_task (void)

Suspend the current task immediately, note that this may not be called from an interrupt handler.

kernel Function: void wake_task (struct task *task)

If the task task is suspended change its state to running and enqueue it in the run queue. This function may be called from interrupts.

Task Preemption

As you might have realised from the previous section our system implements a fully preemptive multi-tasking model. This means that tasks are preempted whenever their quantum runs out, without them even knowing anything about it.

This can cause problems if the task is in the middle of accessing a shared data structure when it gets preempted. This is a very similar situation to that discussed in the section on disabling interrupts (see section Disabling Interrupts), and the solution is similar as well. Two special functions are provided to disable and enable preemption of the current task; code that wishes to be atomic with respect to being preempted can simply bracket itself with these functions. They are inline functions designed to be as quick as possible (all they do is increment and decrement a field in the task structure).

Function: inline void forbid (void)

This inline function increments the current task's forbid_count field, thereby stopping the scheduler from preempting the task. The task is still able to suspend itself though.

Function: inline void permit (void)

This decrements the forbid_count of the current task, if it's new value is zero and the task should have been preempted while preemption was disabled the scheduler is called.

Task Lists

A task list is a data structure used to contain a list of tasks, they are usually used to represent lists of suspended tasks. One of the ways in which they are used is to form the basis of the system's semaphore type (see section Semaphores).

Each node in a list of tasks is represented by an instance of the following structure:

struct task_list {
    struct task_list *next;
    struct task *task;
    u_long pid;

The pid field contains the ID of the task stored in the node, it is used for consistency checking, to ensure that the task in the node hasn't been killed while it was in the list.

kernel Function: void add_task_list (struct task_list **head, struct task_list *elt)

Add the task in the task-list element elt to the tail of the list of tasks pointed to by head.

Note that only the next field of elt is modified, task should have been pointed at a task structure and pid set to the ID of the task.

kernel Function: void remove_task_list (struct task_list **head, struct task_list *elt)

Remove the task contained in the element elt from the list of tasks pointed to by head.

kernel Function: void sleep_in_task_list (struct task_list **head)

Put the current task to sleep in the list of tasks pointed to by head.

Note that since this calls the schedule function it may not be called by interrupt handlers.

kernel Function: void wake_up_task_list (struct task_list **head)

Wake up all tasks contained in the task-list pointed to by head then set the list to be empty. Note that tasks are only awoke if the pid field of the element is the same as the task's ID.

kernel Function: void wake_first_task (struct task_list **head)

Remove the first element in the list of tasks pointed to by head then wake up the task contained in that element (but only if its pid field matches).


A semaphore is a data structure used to synchronise a group of tasks, it has two states, blocked and not blocked. When a task wishes to enter a critical code section it must obtain the semaphore associated with that section. If the semaphore is not blocked this happens immediately and the semaphore is set to blocked until the task leaves the critical section. If the semaphore is blocked however, the task cannot obtain the semaphore (and therefore enter the critical section) since another task currently has possession of the semaphore. The task wishing to enter the section is suspended until the semaphore once more becomes available, when it may obtain the semaphore and enter the critical section, safe in the knowledge that no other tasks are also executing in the same section of code.

Each semaphore is represented by one of the following structures:

struct semaphore {
    /* Non-zero when the semaphore is blocked. */
    int blocked;

    /* A list of the tasks currently waiting to
       take possession of the semaphore. */
    struct task_list *waiting;

All of the following functions are defined as inline functions, so they are not found in the kernel module. They are defined in the `<vmm/tasks.h>' header file and can be called by their name, without any module prefix.

Function: inline void wait (struct semaphore *sem)

Request ownership of the semaphore sem, the current task will sleep until it becomes available. This function may not be called by interrupt handlers.

If a task attempts to wait for a semaphore which it already owns a deadlock will occur!

Function: inline void signal (struct semaphore *sem)

The current task releases its ownership of the semaphore sem. This may be called from interrupts.

Function: inline void set_sem_clear (struct semaphore *sem)

Initialise the semaphore sem so that it is not blocked.

Function: inline void set_sem_blocked (struct semaphore *sem)

Initialise the semaphore sem so that it is blocked.

Time And Date Handling

The kernel is responsible for handling date and time values, it uses an integer data type time_t to represent these values, storing them as the number of seconds elapsed since January 1st 1970 (sometimes called the epoch). See section System Types.

kernel Function: time_t current_time (void)

Returns an integer representing the current time and date.

From a given time_t value it is possible to compute the individual time and date components (i.e. the month, hour, etc...) using the expand_time kernel function and the data type struct time_bits defined in the header file `<vmm/time.h>'.

struct time_bits {
    /* The year, eg. 1995 */
    int year;

    /* The month, Jan==1 ... */
    int month;

    /* The full and abbreviated (to three
       characters) name of the month. */
    const char *month_name;
    const char *month_abbrev;

    /* The day of the month, starting at
       one. */
    int day;

    /* The day of the week, Mon==0 ... */
    int day_of_week;

    /* The full and abbreviated (to three
       characters) name of the day of the
       week. */
    const char *dow_name;
    const char *dow_abbrev;

    /* The current time. */
    int hour, minute, second;

kernel Function: void expand_time (time_t time, struct time_bits *bits)

This function fills in all the fields of the structure pointed to by bits so that they describe the time and date value time.


Timers are used to measure time intervals, they allow tasks to submit timer requests specifying the time interval that the timer should measure. When the interval of a timer expires an action associated with the timer is performed, this can either be to unblock a semaphore or call an arbitrary function. A tick is generated each time the timer interrupt handler is called, this happens 1024 times each second. Unless otherwise stated, all time values mentioned in this section are measured in terms of these 1024Hz frequency ticks.

The header file `<vmm/time.h>' defines all structures and inline functions documented in this section.

struct timer_req {
    /* The time at which this timer expires. */
    u_long wakeup_ticks;

    /* Points to the next timer in the ordered
       list of active timers. */
    struct timer_req *next;

    /* The action to perform when the timer
       expires. */
    union {
        struct semaphore sem;
        struct {
            void (*func)(void *user_data);
            void *user_data;
        } func;
    } action;
    char type;

This structure is used to represent timers; none of its fields should be modified by hand, the inline functions set_timer_sem and set_timer_func are the only supported methods of initialising a timer request structure. It is also important that the timer's interval is reinitialised every time that it is used, even if it is the same each as before.

Function: inline void set_timer_sem (struct timer_req *req, u_long ticks)

Initialises the timer request structure req to measure an interval of ticks timer ticks. The timer request is set up so that its semaphore will be initially blocked, when the interval expires (after the timer has been started) the semaphore is unblocked.

Function: inline void set_timer_func (struct timer_req *req, u_long ticks, void (*func)(void *), void *user_data)

This inline function initialises the timer request structure req to measure an interval of ticks timer ticks. When the interval expires (after the timer has been started) the function func will be called with the parameter user_data as its sole argument.

Note that func will be called from one of the timer interrupt handlers. This means that all the normal restrictions placed on interrupt handlers must be adhered to in the function func. See section Interrupt Handlers.

Function: inline void set_timer_interval (struct timer_req *req, u_long ticks)

This sets the number of timer ticks timed by the timer request req to be ticks for the next countdown. This doesn't initialise any other parts of the request structure, use set_timer_sem or set_timer_func for that. This function is normally used to reinitialise the interval for a timer that is used more than once.

Once a timer request has been initialised it may be added to the kernel's list of active timer requests to start timing the interval. When the interval expires whatever action the request has been set up to perform is executed (either unblocking a semaphore or calling a function).

kernel Function: void add_timer (struct timer_req *req)

Adds the timer request req to the list of requests for the system timer. This timer ticks 1024 times each second.

kernel Function: void remove_timer (struct timer_req *req)

If the timer request req is in the list of active timer requests for the system timer remove it from this list. This means that the request will never be completed.

Sometimes a task simply wishes to suspend itself for a given time interval; two functions are provided to make this trivial.

kernel Function: void sleep_for_ticks (u_long ticks)

Suspends the current task for ticks 1024Hz ticks.

kernel Function: void sleep_for (time_t seconds)

Suspends the current task for seconds number of seconds.

To measure very small time intervals the kernel's microsecond timer may be used. This timer works by calibrating itself to the speed of the system's processor. When a time interval is to be measured it simply busy-waits for the required number of CPU cycles.

kernel Function: void udelay (u_long micro_secs)

This function busy-waits for the specified number of microseconds. Note that unless proper precautions are taken an interrupt occurring or the task being preempted may alter the time elapsed.

If a task wishes to measure an unknown time interval (for example to calculate the performance of a device driver) the kernel maintains a count of the number of timer ticks which have elapsed since the system was started. Reading this value at the beginning and end of an operation is enough to compute the time that the operation took.

kernel Function: u_long get_timer_ticks (void)

Returns the number of times that the timer has ticked since the system was initialised. Each tick counts for 1/1024 seconds.

DMA Handling

DMA (Direct Memory Access) is a hardware mechanism used primarily for transferring data from I/O devices, such as the Floppy drives, directly to an area of memory. In many respects this is faster and more efficient than a CPU transfer of the information. The kernel defines a simple method of facilitating DMA transfers.

There are eight DMA channels in all, numbered from 0. The lower four are 8-bit channels, and the upper four are 16-bits. Channel number 4, however, is unavailable since it is used to link the two halves of the DMA system.

There are other restrictions on the use of DMA in the PC, which are a limit in a single transfer of 64 kilobytes, and it must take place within the lower 16 megabytes of the address space and not cross a 64 kilobyte boundary. The function alloc_pages_64 is recommended for allocating memory which suits this specification.

The structures documented in this section can be found in the header file `<vmm/dma.h>'.

kernel Function: bool alloc_dmachan (u_int chan, char *name)

Marks the specified channel as allocated, using the label name to indicate who by. name should usually be the name of the calling module. If the channel is already marked, it returns FALSE, otherwise TRUE is returned to indicate success.

kernel Function: void dealloc_dmachan (u_int chan)

Marks the specified channel as not in use.

struct DmaBuf {
    /* Logical pointer to the memory area
     * the DMA is targeted/sourced
     * from
    char *Buffer;

    /* The page and offset of the buffer.
     * (Page << 16) | Offset  is the
     * _physical_ address of Buffer.
    u_int8 Page;
    u_int16 Offset;

    /* Count of the number of bytes to be
     * transferred. Note, this should be one
     * less than the amount you want transferred.
    u_int16 Len;

    /* The DMA channel to operate on. */
    u_int8 Chan;

kernel Function: void setup_dma (struct DmaBuf *DmaInfo, u_int8 Mode)

Configures the DMA controller for the transfer specified in DmaInfo, with the command Mode. Mode may be one of DMA_READ or DMA_WRITE, which programs the controller for that operation. One setup, the function returns immediately. It is the responsibility of the other device involved in the transfer to signal it's completion in the PC architecture.

Error Codes

In each task structure there is an integer field called errno, this is used by some parts of the system to record why an operation failed. Currently, error codes are only used by the filing system and its device drivers. If a function does set errno when it fails it will note this in its documentation, generally errno is not altered when a function succeeds.

kernel Function: const char * error_string (int errno)

This function returns a string describing the error code errno, or a null pointer if the error code is not known in the kernel.

The standard error codes are defined by the header file `<vmm/errno.h>', the following table describes their meanings.

No error occurred.

The referenced object doesn't exist.

The device doesn't exist.

The referenced object already exists.

The task doesn't have permission for this operation.

The object is not a directory.

The object is a directory.

No more space on the storage medium.

The object (usually a directory) is not empty.

Writing to a read-only object.

An incorrect magic number has been detected.

The end of the file has been reached.

The removable media was changed.

Some kind of data error.

The removable media was removed.

An invalid parameter was passed to a function.

Hard links can't span devices.

A memory allocation failed.

An object (usually a device or inode) has been invalidated.

The referenced object is still being used.

The referenced object is not a symbolic link.

Too many symbolic links are being followed recursively.

Formatted Output

The kernel provides a function to perform formatted output, compatible with the standard printf function found in every C library. Using this function it is possible to print messages to the system console from just about anywhere in the system.

kernel Function: void kvsprintf (char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args)

This function produces a formatted string in the buffer buf from the format specification string fmt and the list of arguments args.

The fmt string is copied to buf, each time a `%' character is encountered it and some of the following characters are expanded into the buffer using the next of the values in args. To put a `%' character in the buffer use two of these characters in fmt (i.e. `%%').

The syntax of format specifiers in fmt is:


Each set of brackets is an optional part of the specification. Each part is described in the following table:

A list of one-character flags, each one altering the way in which the argument is formatted. Possible characters are:

Left justify the contents of the field.

Put a plus character in front of positive signed integers.

` '
A space, put a space in from of positive signed integers (only if no `+' flag).

Put `0' before octal numbers and `0x' or `0X' before hex ones.

Pad right-justified fields with zeros, not spaces.

Use the next argument as the field width.

  • width A decimal integer defining the field width (for justification purposes). Right justification is the default, use the `-' flag to change this.

  • type An optional type conversion for integer arguments, it can be either `h' to specify a short int or `l' to specify a long int.

  • conv This character defines how to format the argument value, it can be one of:

    A signed decimal integer.

    An unsigned decimal integer.

    An unsigned binary integer.

    A signed octal integer.

    An unsigned hexadecimal integer, `x' gets lower case hex digits, `X' upper.

    A pointer, printed in hexadecimal with a preceding `0x' (i.e. like `%#x') unless the pointer is null when `(nil)' is printed.

    A character.

    A string.
  • kernel Function: void sprintf (char *buf, const char *fmt, ...)

    Uses the vsprintf function to format a string into the buffer pointed to by buf, using the format specification fmt and the other arguments to the function to produce the output string.

    kernel Function: void vprintf (const char *fmt, va_list args)

    This function prints a string to the system console, using the function vsprintf and the parameters to this function to create the output string.

    If the set_print_func function has been used to install a kernel output handler it is called with the formatted string, otherwise the string is printed straight to the VGA video buffer.

    kernel Function: void printf (const char *fmt, ...)

    Use the vprintf function to print a formatted message.

    kernel Function: void set_print_func (void (*func)(const char *, size_t))

    This function installs the function func to handle all kernel output messages (from vprintf). It is called with a string and the number of characters to print from it when a message should be printed to the console.

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